13 September 1975, Virgo
okay, it's a hobbie of mine: astrology and people profiling.
now, i have a hypothesis i want to gather correlational data on.
disclaimer: it's only for fun, nathan natas, larc, alanf--all you logical thinkers out there!
13 September 1975, Virgo
i sent the article below to larc several months ago, and he suggested posting it to this forum.
it's written by james c. moyers, a psychotherapist practicing in berkeley and hayward, california.
moyers works with individuals and couples.
Hi Java,
Thank you. This is a real help in understanding whats happened to me over the last few months.
Dan, You said
It's ironic that so many who feel free of the grips of the JW end up being enslaved by another beleif system...
Yes, it is ironic. However, not all christianity is enslaving. I do agree though that we should look at ALL forms of religion with an open mind and teach ourself some acceptance of them all. Its too bad that some exJW christians seem to still have the attitude of "us and them" - exactly like when they were JW and they believed that anyone not following JW was wicked.
I dont know anywhere near enough about the worlds religions, but I have been able to accept belief systems entirely different from Christianity, such as buddhism, hinduism and paganism. The latter is the one that I really gravitate to.
The link on my sig is a good site that gives a very accepting view of religions, but it doesnt whitewash their potential dangers. On the JW section, it gives clear descriptions of the issues that have arisen in that religion, but it allows the reader to investigate for him/herself.
i read this in a post you made in a previous thread and i'm interested in what information you presented.
would you share the experience with us?.
as always, it's understood if you can't for some reason.
I managed to upload a copy of my letter to a web location.
I dont have the response, because i havent been able to scan it yet.
this cuote is from the letter to bodies of elders of may 15.
1988. what is acceptable evidence of scriptural freedom to remarry?
hearsay or strong suspicion that one's mate.
I divorced my husband when I'd been inactive and not attending for a while. Noone has ever asked me why I divorced him, but I get the suspicion that they may have asked members of my family what the situation was.
Our local cong. dont seem bothered unless you are attending. The whole "sex = forgiveness" thing is ludicrous!!!! mmm...maybe the GB wanted to extend that law to "sex with GB = forgiveness"....then we'd be going into the branch davidian mentality. eeek.
i didn't think ebay would be willing to let me sell my soul over there...i don't need it anymore.
life is just too dark.. so i am selling it here.. any bids?.
any requests for more information?.
Oh dear. Im not sure I'd know what to do with your soul. I have enough trouble trying to decide what to do with mine!
mmmm Im sure youre worth a million pounds! (in which case I cant afford it)
i think i'm an old man, lol.. definitely an excuse to have a few drinks toite.. boozy
Hey Boozy, just noticed that a bit of the Libran description could be applied to tonight:
"But the Libran man can be downing a drink at seven in the evening at the rugby club, sipping a sherry at the theatre with a girlfriend at nine and feeding on fish and chips out of a newspaper at midnight, tucked up in bed."
if you were to check out www.charity-commission.gov.uk.
you would find if you typed in ibsa the following registration number would show: 216647. as far as we know, for we are now awaiting a response, it is illegal all over the country for charities to solicit from door to door unless they have a full identity card, something which the wtbts has flouted law on for many years.. in view of current events, surely they must be able to see the wisdom of such an approach.
i mean its not exactly unreasonable when you really think about it, what the state is asking them to do.
Im in the UK. Sorry but Im not really following this thread too well , why would it be a good idea to write for our files?
i have some thoughts on letters written to jws about problems in the organization.
it seems to me that many letters that i have read here are way to long and to fully docuemented.
I wrote to the society and it was quite a long letter, and I received a long letter in reply. I will be posting both of these at some point, because someone asked me in an earlier thread.
I think if you do really want answers then writing to the society can serve to help you. I realised by their reply that there are simply some things that they have no answer to! (or wont answer).
I've never attempted to write to a family member, but I expect that short is good in that instance.
i think i'm an old man, lol.. definitely an excuse to have a few drinks toite.. boozy
Its from Russell Grants website. It also allows you to subscribe to free horoscopes daily!
i think i'm an old man, lol.. definitely an excuse to have a few drinks toite.. boozy
Yeah, sometimes I think its rubbish, but sometimes Im really surprised how people are like their star signs! Im virgo.
Heres a description of Libran Man:
HERE'S A real smoothie, but usually in the nicest possible way. Ubran men ore the knights in shining armour who gallop up on white chargers and rescue damsels in distress. They exude an aura of courtly love, even in the twentieth century. If a Libran man found a dragon in Dagenham menacing a maiden, he'd know just what to do. (No, dear, he wouldn't jump on a bus going in the opposite direction!)
Libran men often smell sensational, as well as look luscious. After all, it's no good looking as if you've just stepped out of the pages of a glossy magazine if you pong like a pig farm, is it? A lot of Libran men have large collections of colognes and aftershaves. They can spend hours lying in a sweet-smelling bubble bath, guzzling gin and tonics (possibly pink?), reading interesting books and having a whale of a time.
There can be something slightly androgynous about Libran men, though not necessarily in a sexual way. Think of a Libran man you know. Isn't he rather epicene and elegant? A perfect period in history for Libran men was Elizabethan England, when they would have been real tops, clad in flowing shirts, and rigged out in ruffles from ear to ear. Some of these men can seem too feminine, but what do you expect? Venus is a fantastically feminine planet, but she rules masculine Libra. Tricky, eh?
The tremendous trait of Ubran men is their amazing ability to be sociable with either sex. There are many male signs of the zodiac who have to be seen with the lads, putting away pints in the pub. But the Libran man can be downing a drink at seven in the evening at the rugby club, sipping a sherry at the theatre with a girlfriend at nine and feeding on fish and chips out of a newspaper at midnight, tucked up in bed. (His girlfriend will be in the kitchen concocting the cocoa. He's not daft!)
These lovely lads are great diplomats who hate to upset anyone, m fact, Libran men are walking, talking proof that the age of chivalry is not dead. These are the men who will stand up for you on buses and trains and open doors for you (yes, I thought you'd wondered where they were). They help you on with your coat, and don't even get the arms tangled up. They're wonderfully well-mannered, and don't care who knows it. What's so sensational is that they don't have to read books on etiquette first these good manners are innate. That's why people find it easy to fall for them they're such charming, chivalrous chaps. (How can you possibly resist?) But the problem comes later. (I know, there's always a catch.) If you marry one of these 'parfait gentile' knights, although he'll still be as charming as ever to you, he'll also continue to be captivatingly courteous to every other maiden he meets. He may not be unfaithful it's just impossible for him to ignore a pretty phizog or a perfect pair of pins. But his partner may get hold of the wrong end of the stick. (And beat him with it.) After all, he does like to flirt; he and Leo are the two most flirtatious fellas in the firmament. And once he knows he can charm people potty, he'll trade on it. (After all, he is a Cardinal sign.)
Libran men love to look good, which is part and parcel of their persona, and if they could afford it they'd wear tailor-made suits and stunning silk shirts. This isn't because they're status symbols, but simply because Librans love the best. (Debonair and dashing Roger Moore is a Libran lad, and look how ladies lust after him, even when he's on the silver screen and they're in the stalls.)
One thing which people can find hard to swallow is the cold streak within every Libran. However, we mustn't forget that the emotions of a Libran man come mainly from his mind, and not from his heart, because he's an Air sign. Sometimes he'll find it hard to believe he can ever be cold. He thinks that, being a child of Venus, he's all love. But that's not always the case, and he can be remote and resolute, harsh and hard, and you'll wonder where your charming, cheerful, comfy companion went. (But don't worry, he's only popped out. He'll be back.)
Positive Libran chaps are charming, but the negative ones can be a very different cup of tea. (One without sugar.) They can be tipplers, tarts (yes, even the men!), messy, mucky, dirty and disgusting, and so unrefined that they're revolting. And they'll have no sense of justice at all. (Whereas the positive ones abound in it.) A negative Libran will think he's doing fine, when actually his scales of justice will be completely out of balance, with one way up in the air and the other down on the ground.
As a doting dad, the Libran lad will long for the day his child is old enough to talk to him. When his kid is a baby, niggling all night and with terrible table manners, putting pork and prune puree all over his Savile Row suit, he won't be very keen at all. (In fact, he'll hate it!) But once the child begins to chatter, and its personality protrudes through the puree patina, he'll start to enjoy himself. Mind you, some Libran dads never have much time for their kids. They prefer to go for a game of golf, or try a tournament of tennis, than play with the kids in the kitchen.
After reading this, you may think the Libran man sounds just what you've been looking for. You've always wanted a man who's seething with savoir-faire and sophistication? Right, dear. Here are two clues which should help you to track him down. Pay attention, and stop swooning. First is his great big grin, which looks like a lollipop laughing (you'll know it when you see it), and second are his dimples. (This is the bit you'll really enjoy.) He'll have them somewhere. And if they aren't on his face, then it's up to you to find out where else they might be!