Hi Bill / Silentlambs
I just want to say that I am impressed and humbled by your stance. People were like you who stand up for justice and who truly care about others make the world a better place for us all to live in.
well i guess wt is getting tired of waiting me out.
two elders showed up at my door on halloween.
they were not trick or treating, at least i think they were notat least they did not have candy bags.
Hi Bill / Silentlambs
I just want to say that I am impressed and humbled by your stance. People were like you who stand up for justice and who truly care about others make the world a better place for us all to live in.
i just got this email.
it's strange - but some people never learn :) .
i am a jehovah's witness, i am writing to tell you that there has been .
I hate religion because every one of them use these tactics to motivate people!
Not EVERY religion does this, some do.
As this dub typed, he imagined you running back to the KH with tears in your eyes saying "thank you so much for your letter...I was wrong and you were right"....how strange and utterly sad.
when we have american jw relatives visit they are frequently shocked at the difference between how they live their lives and how jws over here live.
its almost as if we are from two different religions.. that divide seems to be getting wider.
i have noticed in the past two or three years a noticeable relaxation among british jws.
Hi Dmouse,
Im in the North of England, in a small town. I havent heard of anything like that here. The young people tend to go out to places they shouldnt, in secret, but apart from that, noone would dare celebrate a birthday! In Manchester City I have heard of things going on that previously wouldnt have been allowed. A woman who moved to our hall from Manchester was counselled immediately on her immodest dress, when in the other congregation she had never been counselled about it.
On the question of would I go back....NEVER.
okay you wild and crazy people...who is dressing up for halloween and whatcha gonna be?.
i'm going to be maid marion and sit on my front porch handing out candy to all the little neighborhood monsters...my daughter is harry potter this year and my son is some gruesome grinning skeleton with fake blood dripping down his face....what can i say??
how 'bout the rest of youse guys???.
Tried to put a pic up but did it wrong...sorry!
okay you wild and crazy people...who is dressing up for halloween and whatcha gonna be?.
i'm going to be maid marion and sit on my front porch handing out candy to all the little neighborhood monsters...my daughter is harry potter this year and my son is some gruesome grinning skeleton with fake blood dripping down his face....what can i say??
how 'bout the rest of youse guys???.
A friend is having a party this weekend, and since "a witch" is too "everyday" for me I thought I'd go as a devil. Red outfit, Horns and all!
hey there, i'm brand new obviously...i was raised as a witness but left 2 years ago, and my buddy *i think he goes by skiingcowboy on this board* sent me this link.. i was just wondering if there were any other gothies on the board.
Hi Hex
Im not Goth, Im pagan. I have long black hair, and I like the goth look, but Im more a happy nature witch.
i am agnostic.
(see no fancy writing stuff).
i dont know if god exists (i think he must - but i dont know).
The reason I suggested tapping into higher consciousness is because I thought you were trying to discover if there IS a spirit realm. Raising your awareness makes you more receptive. Ridding yourself of fear does, too. If you are scared about it, you will put up barriers and may never discover anything.
having a chinese background, it has been incorporated in our culture to believe in wicked spirits and that sort of stuff..i was wondering if any here could enlighten me with some of their knowledge with regard this subject..my mom's core reason of believing that the jws are the true religion is because of the fact that she found peace and she said that 'wicked spirits' stopped attacking her when she became a jw..(she said that sometimes she felt that wicked spirits want to rape her or something while she was sleeping/dreaming?
)i sometimes think that this is pure imagination but who am i to judge it is her experience anyways..some say that this may be a medical problem but do any of you believe that this might be true?
do wicked spirits/demons really want to 'disturb' us humans?
Hi Abaddon
You are right, I should not have said "verified". What I meant was, some experiences seem to have no other explanation than a spirit of some kind being involved.
On MSILs thread about agnosticism, I posted my own experience of a message received from a spirit. I cant explain this experience other than saying that a deceased person gave me a message.
Some consideration should maybe be given to "other phenomena". E.g. if I get a message in pictoral form in my head....where is that message coming from? It is possible that it comes not from a conscious being, but from a connection I have somehow made. Radio waves can be picked up by a mechanical device, so why cant energies of another kind be picked up in our minds?
Gotcha - I think educate your mum about the medical condition and other explanations. These may reduce her tension over the whole thing, which can only have a good effect. Also, you may ask her why she things Jehovah is letting this happen continuously to her? Surely Jehovah could protect her all the time instead of just when she says his name?
i am agnostic.
(see no fancy writing stuff).
i dont know if god exists (i think he must - but i dont know).
I would advise against dabbling unless you read up and are fully prepared for consequences. I never ever call upon spirits. A particularly nasty spirit could choose to influence you and STILL not reveal itself.
I once had a ghost (my husbands deceased grandma on the day of her death) speak to me and convey a message that I didnt really understand. I was 100% sure this message was a valid one, and I told two people: my husband and his cousin who happened to be staying with us at the time. She basically showed me a gift (I saw it in my mind) that had not been given and she wanted it known that this gift was something she'd intended to give. None of us knew what that was, until 2 weeks later when a gift wrapped package, fitting my description, was found in her attic. This package was for my husbands cousin (who had been staying with us!). Her fiance had died 2 weeks before her wedding, and this gift was her grannys wedding gift to her...a family heirloom tea set...which had never been given because of the tragedy. Granny obviously wanted her to now have it...
So this could not have been a hallucination. It was verified by other people and I couldnt possibly have known.
There are safe ways to tap into your own higher consciousness. I advise you to NEVER use ouija board or anything like that. Im of the opinion that if you are meant to know these things, then you eventually will.
Be Careful!!
first draft of part of the prologue.
posting it for general perusal.
i find that as i type these words into the computer that my mind is finally after all this time only now accepting what has happened to me.
I want to read the rest of this.... its great.