Hi Christina
I cant see the interfaith thread when I click on your name.
Before I was married, I started seeing someone in the congregation (we were both JW) but we saw each other in secret because we knew that as soon as people found out we would be under pressure. We knew that we couldnt date and let people know because they would push us to get married after a short time. Sure enough, when we did finally tell them, (months down the line) they all started with "so when is the wedding?".
I have never told anyone this outside my immediate family and JW elders... when we were seeing each other we had sex ...sort of. We didnt have full intercourse but anything else! Anyway, as soon as we revealed we were seeing each other we were asked about these things, and we were given lectures by people in which we felt pressured to confess anything that we had done of a sexual nature. So we confessed. It was the worst thing we could have done because we had judicial committees and were both reproved and our priveledges removed. We planned to get married in the Kingdom Hall, and even once our priveledges were back they still threatened that we couldnt use the hall to be married!!! It was so stressful and embarrassing. We had to tell them in grafic detail all the things we had done with each other, how many times, where, etc. and the most important question "would you do it again outside of marriage?" if we'd have answered "yes" then we would have been disfellowshipped.
Anyway, we were married in the KH eventually.
The reason I have told you this is 1. consider that he doesnt want to tell people yet not because they will say he shouldnt see you, but because he knows they will pressure him to marry you. A girl in my hall dated outside the "truth" and she had to marry him in a registry office, she wasnt DF'd but she was looked down upon and shunned. Will he marry you in a catholic church? if he does he will be disfellowshipped. You cant marry him in the Kingdom Hall because you are not JW. 2. As soon as they know he is seeing you, he will be asked if he is having sex with you...and then it all depends whether he will confess under the pressure.
Then as mommy says at a later date he may feel the need to confess out of guilt.
I hope things can be worked out.