Dunno, but the story of Esther closely parallels the myth of Ishtar the sumerian goddess, which was around centuries before Esther was written.
according to jws,esther was written by mordecai(1981 nwt edition).. where did this idea come from?
Dunno, but the story of Esther closely parallels the myth of Ishtar the sumerian goddess, which was around centuries before Esther was written.
hello all... i came across this line of questioning many months on the inet so i decided that i would submit just this once to peer pressure and make a usefull contribution to the board.. here is the question... is jesus just "a god?".
many of the regular inet surfers would have come across this line of questioning before so if you have you could just sit back and relax and read the replys.. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>.
me: so is he a 'lesser true god' or a 'lesser false god?'.
Sunspot (is that the right name?) asked who was God speaking to when he said "our image". Well this could be something to do with translation. The bible uses plural words in names. It is considered by some that YHWH is plural and feminine. The use of "our" may be an emphasis on the supremacy of God since plurals are used to indicate greatness. Even the queen uses "we" when speaking of herself.
lots of people have been asking me why the united kingdom has a monarchy.
what, they ask, is the point?.
it's a complex issue that i haven't really thought much about until recently.
song 113 - "we are jehovah's witnesses".
i've seen pics of sharon stone.
celebreties i'd love to bone.
LOL! Fantastic!
I HATE those songs...especially "make the truth your own" ARGH.
have any of you ever looked into feng shui?
if so, what is your feeling on it?
Amazing, it is a fact that colours are said to affect the mood of human beings. It is also a fact that use of light etc. can induce a "warm atmosphere" in a room. Now, fair enough, I don't use feng shui, but I think that those who do should not be ridiculed. It makes them feel better. OK some do take it to extremes.
Abaddon, 'thanks' for bringing the "racist" element into it.
i've noticed that quite a few people on this board have said that they are now pagan.
i'm starting to wonder if converting to paganism is something that many ex-jws do?
being a pagan myself, i am actually surprised at how i could choose the religion that jws probably hate the most.
Thankyou Arachnia,
Thats great information.
Xander, I am surprised there haven't been more posts too. I really wanted to ask pagans how they managed to "get over" their JW beliefs. Its been a long path for me to become pagan because at first I was scared to death of anything - thinking there were demons everywhere!
since i'm not a 'hovah no more, i thought i'd be beseiged by demons.
anyhoo, i need help to experience those lowly cohorts o' satan.
i'm getting damn sick and tired of not ever having experienced anything of the paranormal.. perhaps one way this can be explained is by the resistance one has to electricity.
They pretty much let you come and go as you please. I didn't go much though!
Heres what happens when you get there:
You listen to a song and VERY short sermon, after which a medium gives messages to people from their dead relatives. Then you talk to them after and they tell you that you have 'potential'.
As far as I understand it, a way to get a demin stuck on you is to shout out to the cosmos "deminz, you're welcome here!". You might get no joy though because they'll stay secret just to bug you!
we offer your attention the new book on theology:.
general theology - a science about god.
I'm always wary of books that start with:
The book was written as a result of a direct instruction from God.So a modern-day bible then? Something else to argue about...
since i'm not a 'hovah no more, i thought i'd be beseiged by demons.
anyhoo, i need help to experience those lowly cohorts o' satan.
i'm getting damn sick and tired of not ever having experienced anything of the paranormal.. perhaps one way this can be explained is by the resistance one has to electricity.
The spiritualist churches teach you how to be a medium, but I dont think they'd take too kindly to your "Well thanks, I've seen them now. Goodbye!"
i stumbled upon a post made in dec 5, 2001 10:13, by hawkaw, where there are supposed to be two scanned images on this subject from awake!
- august 22, 1967.. the links to those pictures are now dead, but i would really appreciate if someone here could tell me what was said in them?
A jw woman said to me that women are "less" than men. AAARRRGGHHH!!
She said thats where society has gone wrong - that women shouldn't have careers or lives, they should be at home for husband and children. In the local hall, I was one of only 2 'sisters' who worked full-time. She still attends, working full time while her hub works part-time.
What a pile of crap.