Well DF, aren't all df'd persons bad association?
I was really just yanking your chain in this thread. I don't believe the organization really has any authority over you or anyone else beyond what you worshipfully give them. I don't worship at that alter anymore, and while I know you will argue that you don't either, I know I left because I could see that I did.
However, I am far past that now, and that raises another question for me. I'm not being at all flippant here, I really am struggling with this a bit. When you list all those bad things that happened under the nose of Jehovah, and even indicated that he gave "permission" (I know you probably did not really mean "permission", but you did say it), doesn't it give you pause as to why you believe the bible is inspired of Jehovah in the first place?
I'm very serious here. For me, I wasn't able to answer much beyond "just because". As if it is God's word just because my mommy and daddy and everyone I have really had any meaningful contact with in my life believe it to be so. But a 34 year old man in China would not answer the same.
So now, I have been searching for a reason to believe the Bible, odd as that sounds, even to my ears. The societies publications and video that talk about it, basically give evidence from the bible itself, ie, the bible says it is inspired- and we all believe it, so you should to.
That was good enough for me for a long time, but the truth is I just didn't let myself think deeply about it.
So really, I am curious, what do you think about it. Answer me via e-mail if you are not comfortable answering here. Thanks for your thoughts.