I always wondered how the WTS could condemn buying lottery tickets
but it was ok to play the stock market.
To me it's the same.
You take a couple of dollars and buy a couple of lottery tickets
or you take a couple of dollars and buy some stocks.
Not that I in any way approve of the WTS choice to shun people for playing the lottery, but, the stock market is NOT the same. You may choose to "play" it as if it was the same, but it is not a game of chance for the people who are using your money for their business. And, while it may not seem this way right now, for one person to make money in the stock market, another person does NOT have to lose money. That is very different from gambling.
I've heard this argument before, and frankly, it doesn't hold water for me. The only similarity that exist would be in the attitude of the "player". Funny, it is the attitude that the WTS condemns, and rightly so, perhaps. However, since no one can really read anothers motivation, I do think they should just butt out.