It seems to me, fairly obvious what you're getting yourself into.
Jesus Christ dude, I was just an infant!
i have family members who are still jws, many of you do as well.
assuming your folks are similar to mine, they are, for the most part, rational.
they are jws because they believe and they have a tremendous amount of scriptural knowledge, albeit of wts origins and with the expected bias.. if i chose to demonstrate, to my father particularly, the inconsistencies in wts ideology... he might just decide to leave.
It seems to me, fairly obvious what you're getting yourself into.
Jesus Christ dude, I was just an infant!
i went to the social security office and asked for my retirement earnings benefit printout, as i am planning on signing up at age 62 next year.. many people don't know this, but if you have a dependant child (some stipulations apply) under the age of 18 living in your home and you claim them on your tax return, you can get a social security check for them until they turn 18.. how much is it?
it will be 50% of your normal retirement age benefit amount- two or more children will get you more- up to the maximum family amount- which might be less, if you have a spouse drawing off your earnings record.. so, if you know of anyone who fits in this category who isn't getting a check for their child, have them go to the ss office and apply, asap!
i believe, they pay retroactive benefits.
I think the Social Security Administration is very weird with all the subsidiary and ancillary benefits it offers beyond what FDR had in mind.
Where could I read more about this? (specifically, more about "what FDR had in mind")
please, please, i beg you all..... i need whatever sources from the wtbs that support their belief that the world was ending in 1975. details are forthcoming.
please i need this..... hans is in trouble.......
I'll put Mickey mouse on it, post haste!
...and i'm shamelessly looking for love from my jwn peeps!
oopsie, I missed your birthday!
Hope it was good poopsie :)
i gave him are really good thriller book to read today.
he got half way through it, was really into it, when i couldn't help myself.
i asked him, in light of this past sunday's watchtower, how can you read this book in good conscience.
see even our beloved Mouthy agrees with 6of9
well, with a name like "Mouthy"...
"do not suppose that i have come to bring peace to the earth.
i did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
for i have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.".
does your atheist husband hate the truth, tec?
"do not suppose that i have come to bring peace to the earth.
i did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
for i have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.".
Help me out!
ok ok, if I have to guess.... well, this scripture has always bothered me and I've finally come to the conclusion that Jesus must have been drunk and feeling mean when he I mean, said, it.
"do not suppose that i have come to bring peace to the earth.
i did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
for i have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.".
I'm not sure but I'll ask him tonight at bedtime and get back to you if he gets back to me.
i gave him are really good thriller book to read today.
he got half way through it, was really into it, when i couldn't help myself.
i asked him, in light of this past sunday's watchtower, how can you read this book in good conscience.
quick, ask for oral sex!
by brandon keim.
the brains of children raised in violent families resemble the brains of soldiers exposed to combat, psychologists say.. .
theyre primed to perceive threat and anticipate pain, adaptations that may be helpful in abusive environments but produce long-term problems with stress and anxiety.. .
By Brandon Keim
The brains of children raised in violent families resemble the brains of soldiers exposed to combat, psychologists say.
They’re primed to perceive threat and anticipate pain, adaptations that may be helpful in abusive environments but produce long-term problems with stress and anxiety.
“For them to detect early cues that might signal danger is adaptive. It allows them to react, to try and avoid the danger,” said psychologist Eamon McCrory of University College London. However, “a very similar neural signature characterizes quite a few anxiety disorders.”
In a study published Dec. 5 in Current Biology, McCrory’s team used functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, to measure blood flows in the brains of 43 children exposed to violence at home as they looked at pictures of sad or angry faces.
Previous studies have shown that abuse affects kids’ brains; as they grow up, abused children become adults with high levels of aggression, anxiety, depression and other behavioral problems. But according to McCrory, the new study is the first to use fMRI to study the form of those changes.