JoinedTopics Started by notsurewheretogo
On the Eve of 2013, Predictions
by breakfast of champions innot predictions for 2013 per se, but a couple i could see happening in the not-too-distant future:.
the society takes the hundred year anniversary of 1914 head-on with more spin and disinformation.
already laid the groundwork with the "100 years ago" feature in the new yearbook.
Having It Both Ways
by Perry ini posted this 10 years ago.
here is an updated version fresh for the 2012 holidays :.
1. jehovahs witnesses claim to have no clergy and hence are supposed to be totally unlike christendoms' rulers who get special reverence and lord it over their brothers.
2005 - The year the Society began its decline (without anyone noticing)!
by cedars ini've just finished an article for randy over on, which i've submitted to him for review.
hopefully it should be online soon, so please keep checking!.
the article discusses the fact that the watch tower society is already in decline, and suggests the year 2005 as the turning point.
1914 to be abandoned around 2016
by Alfred inthe other day i was doing some research about "1914" for a friend on my wt cd library (spanish) and i found it quite interesting that the number of times "1914" is mentioned in the watchtower magazine during the previous 3 decades has been dropping exponentially as follows.... 1980-1989: mentioned 854 times.
1990-1999: mentioned 492 times.
2000-2009: mentioned 222 times.
Tower of Babel built by Babies!
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inthe weekly tms bible reading assignment is not read, or not carefully read, by most of the sheeples.
it doesn't really matter, because the consideration of the bible reading material is one of the shortest parts on the meeting with a limited number of comments, and those comments are restricted to less than 30 seconds or you will get counselled.
over and over, the dubs are told to read the bible, yet the organization gives no real encouragement to read the bible by keeping everyone busy in the recruiting work and using relatively few scriptures in their "talks".. why?
Are some of you scared?
by BlackTwisted inare some of you scared that armageddon may be coming anytime?
just the thought and the picture in your head that anybody can get killed....>.<.
Kingdom Hall Sign Generator
by reneeisorym inlet's have fun with the church sign generator!!!.
The Suicide of Jason R: a rational battlecry
by inkling inok, here is a short introduction:.
worf has posted an email sent to him by someone who claims: to have testified.
in court in a case involving the illegal digging up of the body of a young bethelite .
If death is the result of sin, why do animals die?
by Orgull inmy first week of posts here were very serious and all the wonderful, encouraging replies helped me very much.. so now i want to ask something semi-frivolous.
(actually it's one of the many things that don't make sense to me about "the truth").
why do animals die?.