When a doctrine is released who is the author?
Jehoover? If so then he is a god of falsehood since he teaches lies...
If doctrines are from men and Jehoover then approves or refines them then dubs are following men and they shouldn't trust them.
Either way, whatever answer, god cannot be directing them.
Whilst the members of the GB are imperfect men, when they come together and IF Holy Spirit is directing them then they can never ever be wrong unless a) the Holy Spirit is wrong or b) the Holy Spirit* is not directing them.
You can't have your cake and eat it, the GB cannot say they are being directed by god if they get things wrong unless everyone accepts the premesis that god teaches wrong things.
* The holy spirit doesn't exist, nor does god, satan, angels or any of this nonsense but for purposes to reason with a dub I include it... :)