I believe that most Witnesses would refuse blood to show their faithfulness to Jehovah's law on blood transfusions....( that sounds silly, huh?)
Would YOU Have Refused Blood To Remain Faithful To Your JW Beliefs?
by minimus 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I believe I would have...and would've been gravely mistaken.
Unfortunately, yes, I am certain that I would have ... fortunately I never had to
I believe in the heyday, I would not give blood to me or my family.
i was in a hospital bed and wouldn't sign some form that would have permitted blood if it became necessary so i had to leave i was in a quite a lot of pain. another member of my family was rushed to hospital by ambulance and i thought i would support them in not having blood they were bleeding real bad.
after i stopped going to the hall i had a discussion with a woman one day and felt bad about it. i regretted not getting an education and breaking up with a girlfriend once because she wasn't interested in the 'truth' and would have felt worse if someone had died and now i wasn't a witness
I would not have refused blood. Even when I was pioneering where the need was great and held various positions I reasoned that if even Orthodox Jews did not ban blood transfusions and Jesus never mentioned it who in the heck was the Society to get involved in serious medical decisions? Eventually Blood and that stupid Armageddon business made it impossible to continue to please family and friends. My wife and I left together in our early 20's.
When Jonestown came along years later I saw clearly how true believers could be made to believe that it was the right thing to do to allow your family to die for defacto religious beliefs. They murdered their children there is no other way to say it.
This poor girl paid the ultimate price!
and her mum agreed!...
I would have been a fool and refused blood.
After leaving the Jehovah's Witness cult and thoroughly researching Acts Chapter 15, I came to the informed conclusion that the only reason eating animal blood was prohibited to the Gentiles was so they would not stumble their weak Jewis brothers who lived a different culture and lifestyle.
No. You know why? Back when I was 16 my beloved cousin who was a fairly good JW came down with leukemia. You wanna know one of the first big cracks in my faith? Talking to my cousin who I loved like a brother and him telling me how as much as he loves Jehovah, he was scared and didn't want to die.
Very sorry to say I'm positive I would have refused blood for myself and my children while they were young. However, when the WTBT$ started allowing fractions, it really threw me. At first I thought they were being too leinient and refused fractions on my blood card. Later when hubby and I stopped attending we didn't receive the cards and we didn't ask for them. At that point, there is a good chance we would have accepted whole blood. By the time we were mentally out our cards were several years old and we threw them in the trash where they belong.