Wait so those that have left are using a WT article to help someone still in?
There is something so right and wrong about all of this...
i haven’t posted here for years as i have now moved on and am satisfied with the choice i have made to leave watchtower.
however in light of the coronavirus and people in australia and other countries being asked to stay at home i became concerned for a witness sister who lives in melbourne alone who is 88 years old.
today i gave her a call as i don’t trust the local witnesses to care for her.
Wait so those that have left are using a WT article to help someone still in?
There is something so right and wrong about all of this...
it lasts for 45 minutes, but the first 11 minutes are more than enough to see that something is not quite right regarding the media's information about covid 19. the video has english subtitles.
The same David Icke who claimed years ago he was the Messiah???? That guy yeah?
this whole "zoom" thing has got me wondering whether some of it is legal or not.
if a person has to dress up for a zoom meeting the way the watchtower dictates, doesn't this really go "beyond" cult?.
even the cults who committed mass suicide were able to dress the way they wanted for their meetings.
JWs are not a cult as most reasonable people interpret the word. Ex-JWs who shout "cult" too much undermine valid criticisms that they could be making.
They are a conservative christian sect. They have some high-control practices. But they are not a cult.
You are wrong Simon...definition of a cult:
a religious group, often living together, whose beliefs are considered extreme or strange by many people
JW's will die rather take a blood transfusion, they believe in very strange and extreme things and are a closed community.
A hundred percent they are a cult. Add in the hierarchy and its nailed on.
why did jehovah create the strains of corona virus ?.
is it part of the great tribulation that is closer than ever now ?.
what if lots of his people die from it ?.
They would say He didn't that it is a mutation as a result from the fall from perfection...just like the leech was not supposed to suck blood or animals tear each other to pieces...it is all as a result of the fall from grace.
You can't reason with them on subjects like this.
A flower blooming after a land decimated by a natural disaster is a sign of beauty and shows God's wonderful nature but the blood-sucking creature that lays eggs inside another animal where its young eat from inside out and kill the creature is a result of Satan and the imperfection introduced along with the unnatural effect of the environment.
ok, i don't know if madness has set in, but this seems awesome.. seriously, you need this in your life.
you probably just don't know it yet.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ij4t9cqa0um.
Simon...I'm worried about you!
...tell the sheeple that "jehovah's earthly organization" is financially facing critical times, hard to deal with, which could threaten its survival and that it urgently requires as much money as the minions can send.. like every other business in the world, the cult needs a constant source of cash to exist.
so with meetings, assemblies, and probably conventions being cancelled, the cash-cow is rapidly looking very precarious.. i reckon the financial brains in the wtbts will have devised a financial survival plan - based on the situation continuing/worsening.
:) the sheep have all been fleeced - time to skin them!.
Pretty sure there is a scripture that says they don't need to ask for cash as if they do it aint got the big J's backing...
so greta thunberg thinks the world pollutes too much.
specifically, the parts of the world that pollute the least and have the cleanest industries.
she doesn't seem to care about india or china who are the biggest polluters by far.. "how dare they".
Greta is a puppet...that of activism and her parents...they make money off her whilst her activist areas get publicity but nothing has or ever will be achieved from what she does.
are some of you scared that armageddon may be coming anytime?
just the thought and the picture in your head that anybody can get killed....>.<.
If any exJW is worried about the Big A they have problems.
In that they have not researched and secured in their mind the JW's are talking crap.
I'm free of the Big A fear because I understand and can prove that the JW's are not right.
i am actually not a 'sky is falling' guy, but i wanted to comment on the australian bushfires.. you may or may not believe the science behind global warming, however i personally put more faith in verified, scientific data than the words of fat cat, self-serving politicians.
climate science has predicted, based on data, that we will see more prolonged, extreme weather events, higher average temperatures, rising sea levels due to ocean expansion and glacial melting.
and this is exactly whats happening.
If everyone lives like a developed first world person then you need three earths to sustain the demand of resources.
The worlds population is growing and getting faster and faster.
The planet is getting raped of its resources...with more humans on it, more pollution etc it is no wonder there are strange natural events occurring.
Cockroaches will rule the earth soon as they will be the only survivors. I pity the next few generations...it is just going to get worse.
so proud of this counter that i made!.
very simple yet shows the estimated amount of people that are living that are from the generation of 1914, defined as "all the people who were alive, even just barely being born, when ww1 started".. here's what i assumed:.
10% of the 1.7 billion people alive in 1914 were infants, just children.
Er you need an "overlapping" calculator now!