Reintroduction of temple prostitutes?
Hands up how many are thinking about going back now....
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
Reintroduction of temple prostitutes?
Hands up how many are thinking about going back now....
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
joseph t. "judge" rutherford, a leader of the early jehovah's witness movement, was determined to put an end to the "christian pyramidology" espoused by his predecessor, charles taze russell.. rutherford wrote a two-part articleappearing in the november 15 and december 1, 1928 editions of the watch towertitled, "the altar in egypt," wherein he declared:.
it is certain that the pyramid of gizeh was not built by jehovah god; nor was it built at his command.
it is more reasonable to conclude that the great pyramid of gizeh, as well as the other pyramids thereabout, also the sphinx, were built by the rulers of egypt and under the direction of satan the devil.
Thanks to Judgy Rutherford to clear that up...he could then concentrate on the earthly princes being resurrected in 1925...because that was not a waste of his time...or money...oh wait...hang on...
that is the conclusion you must accept if you are a jehovah's witness as my wife tries to explain to me that even if what they are teaching today contradicts what they were previously teaching, they had the truth then and they have the truth now.
the difference is, they (the witnesses and the governing body) simply believed that what they were teaching at the time was the truth but when they discovered new information they adjusted their thinking.
so since they formerly believed it to be the truth, they were in the truth.. an example she gave involved people who once believed the earth was flat.
When a doctrine is released who is the author?
Jehoover? If so then he is a god of falsehood since he teaches lies...
If doctrines are from men and Jehoover then approves or refines them then dubs are following men and they shouldn't trust them.
Either way, whatever answer, god cannot be directing them.
Whilst the members of the GB are imperfect men, when they come together and IF Holy Spirit is directing them then they can never ever be wrong unless a) the Holy Spirit is wrong or b) the Holy Spirit* is not directing them.
You can't have your cake and eat it, the GB cannot say they are being directed by god if they get things wrong unless everyone accepts the premesis that god teaches wrong things.
* The holy spirit doesn't exist, nor does god, satan, angels or any of this nonsense but for purposes to reason with a dub I include it... :)
internally, being a father of many children, and being present for ultrasounds and other testing, etc., i appreciate the value of life.. as i understand it, the after-morning pill essentially terminates a 1 or 2 day old conception.. are there any thoughts about this?.
In the UK no it doesn't...
My still-in wife and me out for 3 years have 3 kids...and twice in the last few months we have had "accidents" which required the morning after pill.
In the UK, at the pharmacy, you have a little interview to make sure you know the score and my wife clarified with them that it doesn't allow fertilisation. The morning after pill in the UK does two things....stops an egg being released and if an egg is already present it won't allow the sperm to fertilise it.
Not sure about other countries or different types of morning after pill but in the UK it is safe for the dubs...
i believe that most witnesses would refuse blood to show their faithfulness to jehovah's law on blood transfusions....( that sounds silly, huh?).
I missed that thread from you Cofty, thanks for linking it here...
i believe that most witnesses would refuse blood to show their faithfulness to jehovah's law on blood transfusions....( that sounds silly, huh?).
Life is precious...blood in the bible represents is a symbol of life.
So I, an many others, were willing to uphold a view that God has on the SYMBOL of something to the cost of the very thing that it symbolizes.
I love my wife, we have a marriage...we have wedding rings which are a symbol of our marriage...would I give up my wedding rings to save my marriage?
Would I give my my marriage to save my wedding rings? Of course not, then why would a god want us to hold dear his view of the symbol of life at a cost of our very lives in itself?
It just doesn't stand to logic let alone any debate as to what the bible really says about it.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
There are no ghouls, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, mummys know why I know that?
Because in 2014, where there are more mobile devices that can capture photos and videos in HD than there are people on the planet, and not one has caught one picture/video of evidence.
I'm not sure where you say you have seen video footage but it will most likely be fake. There are no pictures or videos of anything supernatural (although there may be some that have a rational explanation but we don't know it)...ergo these things don't exist.
As others have mentioned superstition or psychology can be shown to explain these things.
Also, my logic also applies to a god...there has not been any evidence from the 20 billion people who have ever lived to prove a god exists, he remains hidden. Again he doesn't exist.
i attended a jw memorial service about 2 years ago and the speaker i thought gave a good eulogy to the diseased even though he quoted a few scriptures.
just recently i attended another jw memorial and the sermon was about 10 minutes on the person and the rest a big info-commercial with a scripture quoted one after the other.
i did not keep count but i would think the speaker read about 10 - 12 scriptures.
I did the memorial talk years ago and made sure I read as little scriptures as possible...many came up and said they prefered my public talks I would read 3 or 4 more...yet some rattle off 20+ in memorial talks or public talks...
You will find people who were thinkers and really put effort into their talks end up in places like here and are out...whilst those that just droned on from n outline are still in...
Cult behaviour.
i have heard a lot of talk over the last year or so if the gb will eventually ditch 1914 and some have even made the claim that most, if not all of the gb do not believe in 1914. ive given this some thought and in the past i wasnt sure.
this annual meeting puts 100%, without a doubt in my mind that the gb do not believe in 1914. id even go as far to say that they talked about that date and have a game plan in mind.. here is why i feel this way:.
there were a lot of changes with the parables at this annual meeting.
This is a good thread, different viewpoints but all constructive.
I agree with Baltar's last comment too...we are probably more obessed about this that the average dub and the GB!