OK, so on this thread at least, most people seem to agree that they won't go bankrupt any time soon. But that wasn't what I was asking really! The question is a hypothetical one - what if they did? What would happen next? I'm not normally one for speculating about things that are not likely to happen, but I find this particular question intriguing because for some groups/organisations/companies, bankruptcy is game over - but not, I think, for a religious cult as large as this one.
They would simply spin it as Satan attacking them via persecution but the point we are all making is the question is indeed hypothetical but pointless as they will never go bankrupt.
The bigger questions they need to answer is how to justify to dubs they are the FDS and that we are in the last days when we are getting further and further away from 1914 with each year...at some point they will need to remove 1914 from the picture and how do they do that without a massive wakeup call to the dubs.