but if you don't think my conclusion is valid, that's okay. It's only my conclusion so far.
Sorry Kate, all I am interested in is how you come to your conclusion...that evolution was guided...
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
but if you don't think my conclusion is valid, that's okay. It's only my conclusion so far.
Sorry Kate, all I am interested in is how you come to your conclusion...that evolution was guided...
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
Okay so you conclude that autocatalytic set evolved without guidance. Fair enough. I view this as guidance. The very premise of what catalysts do and their purpose leads me to this conclusion. But your conclusion is just as valid.
But I only conclude that when I add it to other areas in the evidence for evolution...I read and digest as much evidence there is for evolution in the many fields...do the same for creationists (well not really evidence but much like your OP) and then comes to a general, educated conclusion...
What other areas do you feel add testimony to your OP? Because you can't really conclude it was guided based on this one point alone...
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
Good point, this is exactly what Bhom's conclusion is too. I think both perspectives are valid, but neither are absolute yet. In time science will have conclusive evidence, until then we can only draw conclusions from what we have.
Kate xx
Right but couple the conclusion Bhom comes to and add other factors...like:
You can't isolate this one point, which i still don't see how you come to the conclusion you arrive at, and say it means there is a diety WHEN you factor in all other evidences for a god or evolution...because evolution wins hands down every time when you base it on facts...the facts lean heavily towards there was no divine intervention from anything to get to where we are...
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
Kate, why do you refer anything in it is "guided"?
In the article I link it states:
One idea is that groups of molecules can form autocatalytic sets. These are self-sustaining chemical factories, in which the product of one reaction is the feedstock or catalyst for another. The result is a virtuous, self-contained cycle of chemical creation.
Which shows nothing is guided...they continue:
They begin by deriving some general mathematical properties of autocatalytic sets, showing that such a set can be made up of many autocatalytic subsets of different types, some of which can overlap
Ok...I understand that, then they conclude:
They go on to show how evolution can work on a single autocatalytic set, producing new subsets within it that are mutually dependent on each other. This process sets up an environment in which newer subsets can evolve.
βIn other words, self-sustaining, functionally closed structures can arise at a higher level (an autocatalytic set of autocatalytic sets), i.e., true emergence,β they say.
Thus evolution of life, with no guidance...
Where are you referring to that any of this is "guided"?
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
It has unfortunatley been drawn to my attention that this place may be a nest of apostates. (Let the reader use discernment) And that some people hide what they really are. I am no human apostate. It turns out for good this time. I wish all well, and that we may all prove what we really are (although I don't agree with the reality/appearance distinction, don't tell them that). Thank you Simon thank you all.
Dude, what on earth is up with you?
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
Autocatalysis means that the reaction is being guided automatically.
No it doesn't...why do you suggest that?
Have a read of this:
i heard this tired line re-ran again at this year's convention.
satan supposedly wanted to be like god and be worshiped - you know, the whole pride thing.
they really made a big deal about how his "thoughts" led to his sin in the garden of eden and how we need to control our thoughts to avoid the same result.
Well then that's cheating on Jehovah's part, isn't it? Or at least grossly unfair.
Imagine a football game in which the heavily favored team is losing at halftime because the underdog has kicked a bunch of field goals. So the rules get changed at halftime - no more kicking of field goals is allowed.
Indeed but hasn't the whole game been rigged from the start???
i heard this tired line re-ran again at this year's convention.
satan supposedly wanted to be like god and be worshiped - you know, the whole pride thing.
they really made a big deal about how his "thoughts" led to his sin in the garden of eden and how we need to control our thoughts to avoid the same result.
I heard this tired line re-ran again at this year's convention. Satan supposedly wanted to be like God and be worshiped - you know, the whole pride thing. They really made a big deal about how his "thoughts" led to his sin in the Garden of Eden and how we need to control our thoughts to avoid the same result. (Let's just say the BITE model from Hassan was available in spades at this convention.)
Anyway, I got to thinking about this whole premise - Satan wants to be worshiped. Well it doesn't make a lick of sense.
If Satan is so interested in having the limelight and taking the glory away from God and anybody else, then why is he hiding himself?
Do you know how much fame and glory a leader of the spirit world could have in today's society of 24 hour news? He could have billions of people tuned in to see him, listen to him, and watch whatever he does.
Could you imagine how many people would tune in for an exclusive interview with Satan? LOL...
Another teaching that doesn't stand under 5 minutes of critical thought.....
Thus Satan cannot show himself, all he can do is influence.
i was skimming the july 2016 wt study article and came across a paragraph indicating that, despite scriptural evidence, the governing body indeed feels that god's son now knows the exact day and hour of armageddon.
is this 'new light'?
from the second study article, page 14, pgh 4:.
I thought the Governing Body doesn't deal in hypothetical questions and answers? I mean, when Geoffrey Jackson was asked in the ARC whether Jesus would point to Deut. 22:23β27 (I hope this was the right scripture) to show that there are exceptions to the two-witness rule, he denied to answer, saying that it was a hypothetical question, and that he can't know without talking to Jesus first. Now this paragraph clearly speaks about a hypothetical scenario. The problem is that the Witnesses will now say that this is the new light. Shame on you, Governing Body.
The best bit about that was GJ saying he hoped to ask JC that very question and soon...the arrogance of "I'm going to heaven" was just amazing.
a while back a coworker was telling me she had a migraine in the morning and had to take some aspirin before coming to work.
i was like, "yeah, that wasn't a migraine dear.
that was just a headache.
Like most things there are many levels not just one (or cranked to 11 in your cases).
I'm a bloke and i get them occasionally. I dont get them bad but the visual pulsing with checker board squiggles in the visual periphery and the dull throbbing headache and nausea that can last from 5 minutes to several hours are so obviously different to a normal headache.
So if you are saying that because i am not incapacitated for several days it's not a migraine then you are wrong. Just sayin'.
I agree with you...there are many levels...but as you say you get the nausea, the weird visual thing and the headache...I've had migraines like that too that do not require me to go to bed but then others have been stronger.
But the poster above doesn't get the visual thing, the nausea and just gets a headache...and at twenty a month that is excessive and yet not one required bed...
To me that suggests it is something else but could just be a different form of migraine for sure...
The point is, whether they are minor or major...I hate them with a passion!