I dont think money in any way is drying up. Not sure where that idea is coming from.
They get more per US congregation today than EVER, and they are liquidating halls all the time for big lump sums.
They are richer than EVER.
without a doubt, jw life is boring.
and those meetings!
5 congregation meetings, meetings for field service, elders meetings, judicial meetings, meetings to figure out who was qualified to clean the toilets....🤔.
I dont think money in any way is drying up. Not sure where that idea is coming from.
They get more per US congregation today than EVER, and they are liquidating halls all the time for big lump sums.
They are richer than EVER.
without a doubt, jw life is boring.
and those meetings!
5 congregation meetings, meetings for field service, elders meetings, judicial meetings, meetings to figure out who was qualified to clean the toilets....🤔.
I just waited till I had a part or did the school.
I worked very hard to not be in the normal mold and really teach, inspire, and entertain by being compelling.
All things I greatly regret now.
what attracts you in a male or female?
give me an example or better yet a pic to tell me what you like.😈.
bondie - you dont think guys think of women sexualy like every second of the day?
And last time I checked, women like to dress and look sexy.
Now this post has very little to do with JWs other than JW guys have these conversations all the time too. We always talked about what actresses we thought were hot.
when the doctor pulled my screaming body out of mom all those 7 decades ago, i landed in a post-wwii world.the world of 1947--compared to today's world--an alien planet.. the world i live in today has nothing in common with the world in which i grew up.. there were no cell phones back then--there were black telephones with a dial-tone and an operator who placed your call.
everywhere you found telephone booths!
a call was a nickel.where did all those telephone booths go?i dunno.where did my whole world go?i dunno.. tv sets were huge boxes with tubes and small screens.
When you really look a it, not much has changed.
Things are faster and more convenient.
Thats about it.
reflecting on death.
i can't remember, maybe steve jobs before he died.i thought i would share it with you and see what you think about it, and i'm quoting i think from his book.. "i'm about fifty-fifty on believing in god.
for most of my life, i've felt that there must be more to our own existence than meets the eye.. i might be overestimating the odds 50/50 out of a desire to believe in an afterlife.
Living forever may not be coming to a theater near you, but serious life extension will be.
It will probably be only for the rich, but we are at the cusp of people living an extra 50 years in good health.
this brother starts off with reading the following scriptures from the book of mark 13:1-8.
3 while he was sitting on the mount of olives across from the temple, peter, james, john, and andrew asked him privately, 4 “tell us, when will these things happen?
and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished?”.
It is ALL BS!
Anyone can make the Bible say what the want it to say.
By the way Ezekiel and Revelation had to be the product of Magic Mushrooms.
Fits a psychedelic episode 100%.
JWs have always said there was a minor and major fulfilment of that set of scriptures.
The funny thing is that they said they were going to abandon the minor/major thing a few years ago - in general, but they really have not in talks or in print.
what attracts you in a male or female?
give me an example or better yet a pic to tell me what you like.😈.
Scarlett Johansson
Olivia Munn
Jennifer Lawrence
Anne Hathaway
Nikki Bella
Alexa Bliss
Lindsay Vonn
Could go on and on and on.
... unlike the rest of humanity, you looked forward to mondays because it was a day off from a meeting..
If seeing someone at the store that you Might Think was DFed makes you as nervous as if you just robbed a bank.
banned books?censorship?.
let’s say you live in a land where the rule is: you can’t offend anyone.okay, fair enough.
let’s take a look at what follows (implicit in this rule).. if you are speaking to 10 people, is it okay to offend 1 in 10?
What no 1984 or Fahrenheit 451? :)
i can now say that i'm not alone to know ttatt in my congregation, after all.. i have come to know that my close friend is awake, even without me sharing the ttatt with him/her.
on one of our recent conversations i mentioned about being tired and no longer being uplifted anymore, and my friend then told me he/she was feeling the same.
i don't know how it happened but we knew we could trust each other.
Having someone else made a HUGE difference when I figured out TTATT! Me and a friend were figuring it out together at the same time. After that 2 others also became part of our group. 2 in my hall and 2 in halls near by.
It helped so much. One was a servant, and one was an elder in those nearby halls.