With the exception of garbage pickup(private companies here), I find your list to be accurate.
Remember that The TOWN contracts them and it is paid for with our Tax Dollars.
do you support socialism?
is it something that you would want in your country?.
With the exception of garbage pickup(private companies here), I find your list to be accurate.
Remember that The TOWN contracts them and it is paid for with our Tax Dollars.
do you support socialism?
is it something that you would want in your country?.
Socialism is bad - that's why we should abolish the:
Socialist Army we have.
Socialist Navy we have.
Socialist Air Force we have.
Socialist Marines we have.
Socialist Police Departments we have.
Socialist Fire Departments we have.
Socialist First Aid we have.
Socialist Public Works we have.
Socialist Public Education we have.
Socialist Public Libraries we have.
Socialist Postal Service we have.
Socialist Garbage Pickup we have.
Socialist Jail System we have.
Socialist Museums we have.
Socialist Public Parks we have.
Socialist Sewer System we have.
Socialist Court System we have.
Socialist FDA, CIA, FBI, CDC, FEMA, OSHA ect. we have.
Socialist Beaches we have.
Socialist City Buses and Metro we have.
Socialist Snow Removal we have.
Socialist PBS we have.
Socialist Department of Homeland Security we have.
Socialist Bridges we have.
Socialist Highway and Road systems we have.
Socialist Public Landfills we have.
EVERYONE SHOULD PAY THEIR OWN WAY! Who needs those "socialist" services anyway!
thinking is an active process.. evasion is avoiding that action of active thinking which would create a positive difference.
.realizing the truth about the truth.. thinking is the virtue* man prizes most.
all other virtues proceed from thinking.. evasion is the willful suspension of one's consciousness.
The question is - WHY?
in my city philadelphia they closed many kingdom halls.
my hall was desolved and most of the publishers were added to a congregation that only had 50 publishers.
I recall a special meeting where we had a live broadcast from the GB about how thousands of halls were needed ASAP? So many congregations were sharing halls - 3 to 6 in one, and they needed more halls!!!
And NO ONE is catching on.
It is hard to believe.
they have a very big child abuse enabler international reputation in the courts can these things be a reason for banning these stupid ass carts that claims to have all the answers to mans hardest questions.. why should every library have to permit them to plant their lame ass carts close to the entrance.. i'm thinking that soon due to all the bad publicity surrounding the jehovah witness cult leaders that cart witnessing will come to be seen as a very big waste of time by all it's members that have become hall less thus missing a shit load of meeting and a beginning to start thinking for themselves.. i'm sure many jws hate this type of work even now, even though it's an easy way to get your time in and not be labeled inactive or keep the elders off your back.
have you noticed that a lot of carts don't have a jw near by?
i never see anybody at the carts where i live, i've even asked people nearby and nobody knew who put the cart there.
I hate that they are parked on the boardwalk of my favorite beach most weekends in the summer.
I hate that I see them in a local college town I like to hang out in.
And seeing them parked out in front of the White House, in company with the perpetual anti nuke guy, a anti-abortion nut, and chinese dissidents, shows what they have become.
the star wars franchise has lots of memorable characters, no doubt about it.
the sw extended universe is a big space.. there are lots of characters in the extended universe that i know little or nothing about - i may have only heard their names.. so if you could pick just one character, which one is your favourite?.
Han Solo
w11 8/15 p. 22 questions from readers - “we thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know.
the governing body does not keep a list of all partakers.. see this - s-21-e congregation's publisher record (2018-12).pdf
I know. It took many years for a Red Flag to go up in my mind.
But when you drink the kool-aid you think the GB are doing what god wants and there is no chance of them being wrong.
thanks to atlantis and his sources, we are able to examine material from the alleged "faithful slave" which is intended only for the eyes of the shepherds wolves in the congregation.. information needed for visit of circuit overseer .
all congregation accounts records covering the period since the last visit, which would include any bankbook being used and the records for any additional accounts being kept by the congregation.
(do you have excess money which should have been given to us?).
I know. It took many years for a Red Flag to go up in my mind.
But when you drink the kool-aid you think the GB are doing what god wants and there is no chance of them being wrong.
a thought struck me regarding the biblical directive found in a few places including exodus 20:4.
"do not make a likeness of god in the form of any creature that is on the earth or heavens ".
it would seem disrespectful to use "dirty" creatures to describe perfect beings?.
What the bible contradictory? NO F-ING WAY!
single zipped folderhttps://we.tl/t-uiqj87wimd.
2019-02-02-musical preludeshttps://we.tl/t-zyfpnodizd.
s-21-e congregation's publisher record (2018-12).pdfhttps://we.tl/t-i9qamx3s0q.
Thanks Atlantis! You rock!
Are you still an elder?