Socialism is bad - that's why we should abolish the:
Socialist Army we have.
Socialist Navy we have.
Socialist Air Force we have.
Socialist Marines we have.
Socialist Police Departments we have.
Socialist Fire Departments we have.
Socialist First Aid we have.
Socialist Public Works we have.
Socialist Public Education we have.
Socialist Public Libraries we have.
Socialist Postal Service we have.
Socialist Garbage Pickup we have.
Socialist Jail System we have.
Socialist Museums we have.
Socialist Public Parks we have.
Socialist Sewer System we have.
Socialist Court System we have.
Socialist FDA, CIA, FBI, CDC, FEMA, OSHA ect. we have.
Socialist Beaches we have.
Socialist City Buses and Metro we have.
Socialist Snow Removal we have.
Socialist PBS we have.
Socialist Department of Homeland Security we have.
Socialist Bridges we have.
Socialist Highway and Road systems we have.
Socialist Public Landfills we have.
EVERYONE SHOULD PAY THEIR OWN WAY! Who needs those "socialist" services anyway!