I have always had a problem with that statement. Here's why:
When the JWs say "Besides, we give gifts throughout the year", they are suggesting that non-jw's ONLY give gifts during birthdays and holidays. Is that really true? The fact is, non-JW parents buy their kids gifts year-round, too. Do you think when you see parents and children going to Marshall's or Toys-R-Us or Electonic's Botique or The Limited Too that those parents must be shopping for their kids because it MUST be their birthday of it MUST be Christmas time? Isn't it fair to say that they may be in those stores buying their children something because they did well in school or because the child did a special chore around the house or because, well, JUST BECAUSE?
The next time a JW says the they buy gifts throughout the year, say to them: "SO DOES THE REST OF THE WORLD!"