There are some FASCINATING avatars on this site.
What is a FUNCHBACK?
Many years ago, I began posting on here as Mister Biggs. But, I decided to 'out' myself from the JW (dis)organization. Some people who posted on here were (and are) afraid that the WTS is reading our posts. So, I decided to "dare" anyone to turn me in (I was still going to the hall at the time). I put my real name in that post. I posted my photo. And, I changed my JWD name to Funchback (my last name 'Funches', and, the word 'back' in returned). Plus, it sounds like a cheap ripoff of Hunchback!!!...LOL!!!
Yes...My favorite avatar that I ever used was the girl getting hit over the head with the ball. I haven't used it since Simon stopped allowing us to use "moving" avatars.
Here's the girl gif: