1) For saying to a Circuit Overseer (Br. Conti) while out in field service, heading back to the car: "Who wants to ride shotgun?"
2) For rapping (even though it was a bible-based Rap...LOL) at a JW talent show/gathering. One lunatic brother shouted out in the middle of our (three JW rappers) performance: "Rap music is DEMONIC! Turn it OFF! TURN IT OFF!!!" He freaked out everyone. Then he ran outta the room covering his ears, trembling like he saw a scene in 'The Exorcist'.
3) My friend (Mark) had a bunch of us over his house for the first time. He took us on a tour. The first stop was his bedroom so we could check out his extensive record collection. Me and a sister (Colette) stayed in the room WITH THE DOOR OPEN while the rest of the group continued with the tour and we were sitting on his bed, looking through the crate of albums. The next day, I got a call from Br. Brooker (now deceased elder) asking me if I was in the bed with a sister. I explained to him the situation but, he still said I was wrong. LOL! Oh, and some out, fat, missing-tooth sister who smelled like old tomatoes dimed me out. She minded everyones business. Damn Millie Ross!!! (yeah, I'm naming names).
4) When I was DJing a wedding reception, some idiot Br. Righteousness was offended that I played a song called, "Girls Night Out" by Tyler Collins. It was a song about the ladies getting together and going out to have a good time without any men. The Brother said it can encourage wives to cheat on their husbands.
Ironically, Colette and I are good friends today and we are both proud exJWs!!!