Thanks for edumacating me, darkspliver!!!
JoinedPosts by Funchback
Online Donations for Conventions
by Funchback in
online donations for conventions.
donations to support the annual conventions of jehovah’s witnesses may now be made online from a number of countries.
Online Donations for Conventions
by Funchback in
online donations for conventions.
donations to support the annual conventions of jehovah’s witnesses may now be made online from a number of countries.
They don't make the announcement. Therefore they can't take it into consideration.
I haven't been to a convention in many years, I admit. Since when are the cost updates not announced?
For example, they announce that the cost for the convention. They usually announce there is a deficit. So, I don't quite know how to interpret your response.
Their own site says:
Donate for Your Regional Convention
Beneficiary of Gift
Large annual conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses are held worldwide. You can donate to the worldwide work on behalf of the convention you attend to help with the expenses incurred.
Online Donations for Conventions
by Funchback in
online donations for conventions.
donations to support the annual conventions of jehovah’s witnesses may now be made online from a number of countries.
May 17, 2017
WHAT’S NEWOnline Donations for Conventions
Donations to support the annual conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses may now be made online from a number of countries. Individuals who choose to donate can find more information on the page How to Donate to the Worldwide Work.
This makes me wonder if they consider these donations when they announce "We have a deficit".
Can You Trust the News Media? - Awake! 2013
by Funchback ini have stripped it down to this:.
many journalists and the organizations they work for have expressed a commitment to producing accurate and informative reports.
yet, there is reason for concern.
I have stripped it down to this:
Many journalists and the organizations they work for have expressed a commitment to producing accurate and informative reports. Yet, there is reason for concern. Consider the following factors:
FALSE ASSUMPTIONS.While it is wise not to believe everything we read in the news, it does not follow that there is nothing we can trust. The key may be to have a healthy skepticism, while keeping an open mind.
The Bible says: “Does not the ear itself test out words as the palate tastes food?” (Job 12:11) Here, then, are some tips that will help us to test out the words we hear and read:
PROVIDER: Does the report come from a credible, authoritative person or organization? (Is the WTBTS credible?) Does the program or publication have a reputation for seriousness or for sensationalism? Who provide the funds for the news source?
SOURCES: Is there evidence of thorough research? (In the case of the magazines of the WTBTS, I am going to have to say, 'no'). Is the story based on just one source? Are the sources reliable, fair, and objective? (In fact, they are not in regards to the Society's literature. Everything is slanted toward their own agenda. Plus they love using "..."). Are they balanced, or have they been selected to convey only one point of view? (Um, Watchtower literature? One point of view in most cases).
PURPOSE: Ask yourself: ‘Is the news item primarily to inform or entertain? Is it trying to sell or support something?’
TONE: When the tone of a news item is angry, spiteful, or highly critical, it suggests that an attack is under way and not a reasoned argument. (Like attacks on the UN, the Catholic church, or former believers?)
CONSISTENCY: Are the facts consistent with those in other articles or reports? If stories contradict one another, be careful!
TIMELINESS: Is the information recent enough to be acceptable? Something thought to be correct 20 years ago may be discounted today. (This is where I drop the mic and walk off stage).On the other hand, if the news item is a breaking story, it may lack complete and comprehensive information.
Awake! magazine is carefully researched. We attempt to document every fact, figure, and quotation. This journal is not influenced by activists, big business, or any human government. This magazine is supported by voluntary contributions. Its publishers believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that what the Bible says can be trusted.
When Your Adolescent Questions Your Faith
by Funchback in
this article doesn't touch on the topic of what a parent shoud do if their teenager has made an educated decision to stop attending meetings.
but, hey...what else do you expect from the watchtower coporation?.
I would agree with what your last sentence, except that even though on the one hand they say, "Parents who are Jehovah’s Witnesses force their children to follow their faith." is a myth, several sentences later they say, on the the other hand, that as long as your adolescent lives under your roof, you have the right to require compliance with a spiritual routine.
The Watchtower corp. covers itself on all fronts.
When Your Adolescent Questions Your Faith
by Funchback in
this article doesn't touch on the topic of what a parent shoud do if their teenager has made an educated decision to stop attending meetings.
but, hey...what else do you expect from the watchtower coporation?.
This article doesn't touch on the topic of what a parent shoud do if their teenager has made an educated decision to stop attending meetings. But, hey...what else do you expect from the Watchtower coporation?
My highlights (sentences in italics are mine):
What can you do if your growing child starts to question your faith?
At least it says YOUR (as in the parents') faith, and not the child's.But what if, as he grows, your child loses interest in spiritual things? What if he begins questioning the very faith that he seemed to accept eagerly as a child?
How you handle your adolescent’s questioning may well determine whether he will choose to draw closer to your faith or pull farther away from it. If you declare war with your adolescent over this issue, you are in for a strenuous battle—a battle that you are almost certain to lose.
Myth: Parents who are Jehovah’s Witnesses force their children to follow their faith.
Fact: Witness parents strive to inculcate love for God in their offspring, just as the Bible commands them to. (Ephesians 6:4) Nevertheless, they realize that when a child becomes an adult, he or she will make a personal choice with regard to worship.—Romans 14:12; Galatians 6:5.
First, try to discern what factors might be contributing to your adolescent’s view. For example:
Does he feel lonely and friendless in the Christian congregation?
Does he lack self-confidence, making it difficult for him to speak up about his faith?
Does he feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of living up to Christian standards?
Naturally, it can't possibly be for any other reason. Surely it can't be because he has discovered some of the lies, hypocrisies and cover-ups of the Organization.What underlying issue might your adolescent be facing? The best way to find out is to ask him! Be careful, though, not to let the discussion deteriorate into an argument. Instead, follow the admonition of James 1:19: “Be swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath.” Be patient with him. Employ “all long-suffering and art of teaching,” just as you would with someone outside the family.
For example, if your adolescent balks at attending Christian meetings, try to find out if something else is bothering him. But do so with patience. Little good is accomplished by the parent in the following scenario. The italics in the below dialogues are not mine.
Son: I just don’t like going to meetings anymore.
Father: [hostile tone] What do you mean you don’t like going?
Son: I find them boring, that’s all!
Father: Is that how you feel about God? You find him boring? Well, that’s just too bad! As long as you live under our roof, you’re going with us—whether you like it or not!
God requires that parents teach their children about him and that children obey their parents. (Ephesians 6:1) However, you want your child to do more than blindly follow your spiritual routine and reluctantly go with you to Christian meetings. If at all possible, you would like his mind and heart to come along too.
...consider how the above conversation could have been handled more effectively.
Son: I just don’t like going to meetings anymore.
Father: [calmly] Why do you feel that way?
Son: I find them boring, that’s all!
Father: Sitting for an hour or two can be boring. What do you find most challenging about it?
Son: I don’t know. I guess I just feel like I’d rather be somewhere else.
Father: Is that how your friends feel?
Son: Well, that’s just it! I don’t have any—at least not anymore. Ever since my best friend moved away, I feel like there’s no one to talk to! Everyone else is having a good time. I feel so left out!
However, an adolescent might wrestle with such questions as: ‘How do I know that there is a God? Why would a God of love permit evil? How can it be true that God has always existed?’—Psalm 90:2.
You might feel that such questioning represents a step backward in your adolescent’s faith. In reality, it may well represent a step forward. After all, questioning can be an important aspect of a Christian’s spiritual growth.—Acts 17:2, 3.
Be careful not to force your views on your adolescent. Instead, help him develop his own convictions.
So, if you are a teen, you think this article might help you, right? It gives the impression that you should be able to tell your JW parents how you really feel. It clearly instructs your JW parents to listen and not get angry, and to be patient. It admits that sitting for an hour or two can be boring (Is sitting for two hours on a beach or at a restaurant or a movie boring? The article intentionally omits the words "at a JW meeting" between 'two' and 'can').
Then, perhaps showing a sign of progress, the article encourages questioning! It also says parents should not force their views on you. Great news, right?
But alas, in true JW hypocrisy, the article undoes everything with this conclusion:
The book Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work, Volume 1, states: “As long as your adolescent lives under your roof, you have the right to require compliance with a spiritual routine." -
JW Grandparent Drama
by What Now? inmy mom and sisters have not had any contact with my family for the past year and a half.. we even recently announced a new pregnancy and none of them acknowledged it or called to say congratulations or anything.. this past week my non-witness grandfather passed away and i had thought that for the sake of his death and funeral, it being "necessary family business" that they would at least be civil in front of our other family.
all of them still ignored me, my sisters didn't even speak to my children at all - to be honest i don't think my kids even knew who they were.
for the sake of my grandmother i made a small attempt at the end of the day to say goodbye to my mother and she kind of just brushed past me and said goodbye without really looking at me.. anyways my grandmother told me later that my mom spoke to her and said "i love my daughter and i love my grandchildren and i'm so upset that she won't allow me to see them".
Spot on, What Now.
Being a parent myself, there's no way I'd let my JW brother try to have a relationship with my son, while at the same time, shunning me.
Like you said, it has to be the whole package, or none at all.
Lot's Wife - Connect the dots -
by Funchback inyay!
now kids can help draw lot's wife getting destroyed.. .
Wow... I hadn't realized this had been around for several years.
Lot's Wife - Connect the dots -
by Funchback inyay!
now kids can help draw lot's wife getting destroyed.. .
Yay! Now kids can help draw Lot's wife getting destroyed.