I need to add to my list (thanks to reading some of your posts):
Heinz Ketchup
Tidy Cat litter
9-Lives canned tuna (for the cat, of course...LOL)
what are some household/daily products that you will only use, where there is just no substitute or exception?
*q-tips (no other cotton swab will do).. *mitchum unscented deodorant cream.
*colgate toothpaste.
I need to add to my list (thanks to reading some of your posts):
Heinz Ketchup
Tidy Cat litter
9-Lives canned tuna (for the cat, of course...LOL)
what are some household/daily products that you will only use, where there is just no substitute or exception?
*q-tips (no other cotton swab will do).. *mitchum unscented deodorant cream.
*colgate toothpaste.
What are some household/daily products that you will ONLY use, where there is just no substitute or exception?
Here is my list:
*Q-Tips (no other cotton swab will do).
*Mitchum Unscented Deodorant Cream
*Colgate Toothpaste
*Niagara Spray Starch
*Breyer's Ice Cream
*Coca-Cola (Coke)
*Stroehmann Potato Bread
greetings jwd forum:.
been a while, so i will say "hi" first and state that i do read here almost every weekday at lunch.
i especially enjoy mulan and crumpets posts.
I actually served breakfast during some days when they were building Patterson. It was coooollllld!
Never mind...I was thinking of Turnersville....LOL!
just to let you all know if you did not already, it has been announced in october km that the book "what does the bible really teach " will be studied next at the bookstudy after the daniel book
The book ought to be called, "What the DUBS Really Teach".
they're waiting for me to come out .
they look hungry too..... .
When I saw the first photo, I thought you meant there were three elders sitting in the car, waiting to "get you"!
well here they are...i had a horrible time.
seirously, i did.
i was so stressed before the reception i collapsed.
All three of you are adorable!!!
"k" was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes today.
her mother took her into the hospital this morning, where the diagnosis was made.
she will have to have shots of insulin every day for the rest of her life..
This is a coincedence.
I was just about to post a thread on this very subject!
My friend is in an identical situation.
Her 3-year-old son was taken to the hospital last week and was diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenille Diabetes.
She actually just became a member to this site a month or two ago. I will send her this link.
i am debating on whether or not i should go.. after all, it's practically in my back yard.
if anyone wants to try to connect at live 8, lemme know!
I am debating on whether or not I should go.
After all, it's practically in my back yard.
If anyone wants to try to connect at Live 8, lemme know!
today i visited a (ex)jw christian forum, the first one i registered to when i needed to talk about my doubts and thoughts.
i read my posts from 1 year ago, when i was really deep into research about the bible and the canon in particular.
now it will soon be one year ago that i finally accepted that there is no jehovah.
Go at your own pace, google.
I had to fake it for almost two years before my "I can't take it anymore" alarm went off!
i hope this thread receives a lot of responses.
not because i am egotistical.
heck, really, i like any sort of film.
Thanks, everyone.
There's a lifetime of movies that you all listed here. I am going to open my netflix account by Saturday and begin watching these films!
PS...This will certainly be better than having a family study and also preparing for all of the meetings...LOL!