Hey Richard,
Thanks also for your post.
Your welcome, confuzcious
This is not a joke, but sorry if I don't believe in the mantra that you have to have a mourning period or you need time alone.
Sit around and be miserable to prove I love her?
You might need this one day, but the quickest way to get over a lost love is to find someone else to love.
My wife isn't coming back, so excuse me if I decide to enter a new relationship.
I agree. Whether you need time alone depends on you and on what happened in your marriage. I personally think you do need time alone, but I certainly am not going to judge you. I just hope neither of you gets hurt if what you two have is a "rebound" relationship. But if both of you enter into it with your eyes wide open, you two should be OK.
confuzcious, people will wonder how you could be devastated by the loss of your wife and yet you could enter into a new relationship so quickly. Don't sweat it. No matter what you do, people will criticize it. You live your life the way you want, because you can't please everybody. It looks like you learned your lesson and that you won't try to hurt anyone.
Some of the people who are criticizing you don't give a rat's ass if people play games with hearts. So their opinions about you have little value to me. They have no business telling you what is reasonable behaviour in matters of the heart.
If you need someone to talk to, email me and I will send you my contact info.