This is based on my experience as a Witness, and observations made while I was still a loyal Witness.
There are dumb people everywhere, but there are more smart people outside of the Witnesses than inside. I found that when conversation strayed from Witness topics, most JWs were intellectually lost.
I noticed a general dumbing down of people the longer they stayed as Witnesses. Even while I was a Witness, I attributed this to the amount of time spent studying WT literature, attending meetings and generally not taking in any non-WT information and having few non-JW interests. I was dismayed to find that when the topic was not about a meeting or literature, most JWs floundered.
It really bothered me to see this difference in my ex's sister. Before baptism, she was able to talk on a variety of topics and was a really interesting person to have a conversation with. Several years after baptism, she didn't have much to say outside of the latest WT meeting or literature. It was so sad to see such a mind decline, and such an interesting lady turn so boring.
I found most JWs were just plain boring to talk to. My non-JW friends tended to have a wide variety of interests and were very stimulating to be around.
Now, part of this may be certain biases. The JWs tend to attract the lower educated classes, and not those who think for themselves. Then the JW religion discourages outside sources of information and "independent thinking". In my career, the situation was quite the opposite. Hi-tech tends to attract very intelligent, sharp people. People who are creative and like finding out new things and attacking problems in new ways.
I also found a difference between those born in North America and those from other parts of the world. North Americans seemed to focus only on their own countries and to talk about sex almost continually. Those from other countries, such as Europeans and those from the Middle East tended to have a broad view of the world and were more aware of what was happening inside and outside of North America.
Now, I am not saying that all JWs are dumb or that all North Americans are not aware of what is happening in the world. There are intelligent and non-intelligent in any group. We are all human, and groups of people will include the whole range of intelligence.
Also, in my life, the difference between the boxed-in JW why of thinking and the generally free-thinking hi-tech world would be dramatic.
Edited by - Skeptic on 7 February 2003 16:10:9