Well, Yadirf, add me to your list. I can't resist a good party, especially one with beautiful women! Not to mention the good food and drink!
Besides I think Yadirf and Outlaw are both cool!
i've taken note that the person that goes by the name "outlaw" continues to post daily.
yet, he hasn't entered the thread whose title bears his very own name.
yes, conveniently, outlaw skips past a thread that calls him to account for the lie he spoke about yadirf.
Well, Yadirf, add me to your list. I can't resist a good party, especially one with beautiful women! Not to mention the good food and drink!
Besides I think Yadirf and Outlaw are both cool!
having read the exchanges between rev, bill bowen, and others involved in the silent lambs website, i honestly feel sickened.
i remember when i first started to hear rumblings that "something big" was going down regarding the society's handling of child abuse.
i was overjoyed because i had first-hand knowledge of several atrocities in this regard and was hoping against all odds that a major upset would force them to change their policies.
I am not overly familiar with the SilentLambs organizaton and infighting. But consider this: perhaps it is just growing pains? Every organization has them.
been here awhile now, mostly as a lurker, but while reading alot of posts, i feel justified in formulating an opinion on who the coolest person on this board is.
so my vote goes to ....drum roll.... .
valis .
Very cool, Outlaw. I live in B.C. as well.
i just love how alot of you are going back to college or have graduated.i have been inspired!who else is in college,has graduated,or is thinking about going?its never too late.
woman finishes college after 57 years .
associated press
What if I don't wanna grow up? <pouting and sucking on thumb>
why god doesn't have a ph.d
1. he had only one major publication.. 2. it was in hebrew.. 3. it had no references.. 4. it wasn't published in a refereed journal.. 5. some even doubt he wrote it by himself.. 6. it may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since then?.
8. the scientific community has had a hard time replicating his results.. 9. he never applied to the ethics board for permission to use human subjects.. 10. when one experiment went awry he tried to cover it by drowning his subjects.. 11. when subjects didn't behave as predicted, he deleted them from the sample.. 12. he rarely came to class, just told students to read the book.. 13. some say he had his son teach the class.. 14. he expelled his first two students for learning.. 15. although there were only 10 requirements, most of his students failed his tests.. 16. his office hours were infrequent and often held on limited access mountain tops.. 17. no record of working well with colleagues.
Damn, that is FUNNY!
since leaving the watchtower, do you still believe that you will live forever, here on earth?
some might think that heaven is the final destiny, while other may just believe in this short life and nothing else.
what is your belief and how does it affect your daily life?
(Which still begs the question: If Jehovah has the power to destroy everything, does he not also have the power or ability to clean up after himself?? Or is he like some two year old who has a temper tantrum that needs a mommy to pick up after him??)
LOL, Scully! Your mind never ceases to amaze me. I wish I had your smarts and your wit.
Richard, who admires people who are more intelligent than he is
a while back, in one of the businesses i have, i needed to hire a salesman.
i was thinking of running an ad, and then thought to myself, i should give a friend of mine the job.
i have known "john" for over ten years, and he needed to make money bad.
Xandria, you are very wise.
First, have to disagree with your assumption that if successful at work will be successful at home. Too many people in my industry (software development) have proven extremely successful in their business ventures but failed miserably at the homefront. But,
All too true, BadJery. All too true.
i was just thinking.
since christmas is about the birth of christ, i know dec 25 was not his birthday, probly born around late sept or early oct. i guess he wanted to be born right before the baseball playoffs and world series, just kidding.
it was the early christian church that appointed dec 25th.
CoolBreeze, I am only joining in on the argument because I am in a mood for arguing and this is a harmless way to vent.
Plus, I am having my coffee and I am bored.
And, yes, CoolBreeze, I wondered about the University claims, simply because of the complete lack of logic displayed by Clash. Either Clash is dumb as a brick, or Clash is a troll. I suspect a troll.
After your post, CoolBreeze, I now suspect possible dishonesty on Clash's part. But I am having fun venting, so I will continue until I get bored with this thread. No matter what, people like Clash will never be convinced. And anybody capable of more reasoning than Clash would see the obvious on why an atheist would celebrate Christmas.
As FunkyDerek brought out, Clash should stop using the calendar as the days of the weeks are named after pagan gods. Clash should stop celebrating Christmas as well, as Christmas was a pagan holiday at one time and for some people still is. Clash should also stop using any kind of household cleaner, as they are a result of the science of chemistry, which came from alchemy which involved magic.
That is why the JW argument about "not touching the unclean thing" of pagan origin is bogus. So many things have pagan origins that a person could not lead a normal life if they avoided them.
I think people should not worry about such nonsense and just enjoy a good normal life.
Edited by - Skeptic on 20 December 2002 13:28:39
i was just thinking.
since christmas is about the birth of christ, i know dec 25 was not his birthday, probly born around late sept or early oct. i guess he wanted to be born right before the baseball playoffs and world series, just kidding.
it was the early christian church that appointed dec 25th.
And it was atheistic Hitler and his fatuous band of political bandits and atheistic Soviet Union and Communist China that was responsible for billions of deaths.
Well, you gotta love the efficency of those who speak out of ignorance. Think of all the time they save not doing research and thinking.
Clash, Hitler was a Catholic. And he definitely believed in God. It was not just rethoric either. Some of Hilter's more devout statements about God were made to very close friends of his, in private.
The Nazis were Christians.
Yes, Communism killed a lot of people. Political systems do that.
How many atheists slaughtered Muslims during the Crusades? How many atheists blew up pubs and cars in Ireland for decades? It was the Christians who did those things.
Edited by - Skeptic on 20 December 2002 13:27:33
i was just thinking.
since christmas is about the birth of christ, i know dec 25 was not his birthday, probly born around late sept or early oct. i guess he wanted to be born right before the baseball playoffs and world series, just kidding.
it was the early christian church that appointed dec 25th.
Clash, if it weren't for your trolling, I would be so bored right now.
JWs sleep around and fornicate all the time.
So do most Christians. I think that is a very good thing.
BTW, Clash, you previously mentioned man-made religions. Can you show me one that isn't man-made? Of course, I want you to prove it isn't man-made.
First go ahead and celebrate Christmas thats good you are at least acknowledging the birth of the God the Son Jesus Christ, who you by your atheistic principle deny.
It also means I am acknowledging the birth of the Sun, which my atheistic principles deny. So are you when you celebrate on Dec. 25. I hope you enjoy your worship of pagan gods every year, because I certainly do. Pagan gods rock!
I attended my son's Christmas concert this year. The fellow named Santa seems to get a lot more worship than Jesus. Yes, there were two songs about Christ (out of about twenty or so). But the real glory for Xmas has got to Santa for years. If I were you, I would condemn Santa. He is obviously evil, subtly diverting worship from Christ.
I personally see this as Christmas evolving into a secular holiday. I think you should view it as a Satanic plot.
Skeptic, when you say that you are an atheist by consequence you therefore place yourself by your atheistic commitment to certain philosophical commitments and obligations to the worldview of atheism.
The short answer? No.
As FunkyDerek pointed out, we do not fear the Atheistic Police. If every atheist on Earth hated me for celebrating Christmas, I couldn't give a rat's ass.
And if you were truly a Christian, you would have nothing to do with Christmas. By your logic, you are worshipping pagan gods when you do.If one where truly and atheist as you claim then they would have nothing to do with Christmas.
First thing is first.. No Christian and I mean No really redeemed Christian has the business nor the right to ask a non-believer to pray or say grace. A true Christian would never ask an un believer to pray since he does not have a redemptive relationship with the Lord, for God does not listen to the prayers of the unbeliever.
Clash, perhaps the problem isn't what other people do. Perhaps it is just that you are far too judgemental of others.
You are right about one thing though. God doesn't listen to prayers.
Now let me put the atheistic worldview to practice with your Muslim friend. Why should anyone committed to the atheist worldview that they should respect other peoples religion by what ultimate standard is the atheist bound to that he should respect the Muslim or Jew or anybodies belief system. Dont get self-righteous either and say it is for the sake for loving humanity or some humanistic silliness like that. In atheism (the worldview your committed to) standards are arbitrary or a better way to put there are no really true or ultimate standards.
So now I have to tell you I am a Humanist? Any more labels you need to slap on me?
Yeah, blind adherence to some dogma is more important than caring for people. Sorry, I did enough of that as a JW. Now I just prefer to think for myself and do what I feel is best. And if that means my "atheistic worldview" gets shaken, all the better.
I think people's dogmas and worldviews should be shook up from time to time. How else to we find what works in the real world?
I am a human being and I respect other human beings. That seems to be a concept you can't wrap your mind around. I am quite content to take a magazine from a JW to increase his magazine placements; in fact I did that yesterday. I am content to respect a Muslim and help him follow his religion. I am content to help a born-again follow his. I am even so wicked that I would drive a JW to the Kingdom Hall and *gasp* maybe attend a meeting! What a farce my atheism is! <putting hand to forehead and fainting> I thank the God that I don't believe in that Clash is here to save me from the error of my ways!
When I was a Witness, the Pope came to Canada. A secretary at work wanted to take a day off work and see the Pope. It would have meant the world to her. But she could not afford to lose the $50 off her pay. She would have gone if someone lent her $50. I could have and wanted to, but as a good JW, I could not be "inconsistent" with my beliefs and do something nice for a Catholic could I? After all, helping her see the Pope would be supporting false religion, right? (Even as a JW I never saw the logic in that. But as we know, Jah's ego is so fragile it could not handle that.)
So I didn't offer her the money. At that time, and to this day I feel like a piece of shit for not doing so. Good thing I was "consistent", eh? Now, I would lend her the money. Is it consistent? Am I supporting something I don't believe in? Who cares? She would have gone and had a precious memory for life. God knows, her life might even be a little happier as a result. We can't have that now, can we? Is God's ego so fragile that he can't handle some inconsistecy or a little happiness brought into someone's life? Who would want to serve a God like that anyway?
Now as a Christian I have the freedom to approach the situation with a Muslim with a refreshingly different approach...his would be a good opportunity for the Christian share the gospel of the Lord to his Muslim pal and that the freedom we have in Christ we are not bound to some silly bazaar legalistic dietary law in order to save ourselves. Christ did it all salvation by faith alone through grace alone.
LOL! I would love for you to try that in a country like Saudia Arabia!
That reminds me of JWs who cannot just respect a different belief system but have to shove theirs down others' throats. I was a very devout JW when I had lunch with my Muslim friends. And even though they offered to have me eat in front of them during Ramadan I told them that I did not want to tempt them to go against their beliefs. Yeah, I know, that makes me a lousy JW. But it makes me a decent human being. And I will choose being a good human being over being a good Christian any day.
BTW, I was the ONLY person that could eat lunch in front of them without offending them, and I never did. That was because they knew I respected them. Others did, to tempt them to break Ramadan. That was a great insult. You may not see why it would be a great insult (or you may not care) but I see why and I DO care.
Newsflash Skeptic: Once you claim to be an atheist you have already committed yourself to an atheist dogma. The Position that there are no gods is a dogmatic position.
And what happens if I don't live up to such a commitment? Is my non-God going to non-burn my non-soul in a non-hell?
Are my fellow atheists going to shun me? Are thousands of people going to walk around in moral confusion because of me? Are you, Clash, going to spend the rest of your life in such confusion over little ol' me?
Edited by - Skeptic on 20 December 2002 13:0:14
Edited by - Skeptic on 20 December 2002 13:6:29
Edited by - Skeptic on 20 December 2002 13:38:4
Edited by - Skeptic on 20 December 2002 15:21:49