Robyn, I could never picture you scaring young children! LOL!
That must have been fun. You make an awesome statue. How can you sit so perfectly still for so long?
Edited by - Skeptic on 11 January 2003 19:47:10
i told several board members that i would post a picture or two of the living statue.
i did it for just about an hour and a half before my butt went to sleep and i decided to go home.
have you ever tried painting yourself gold and holding still for long periods of time with people taunting you and trying to get you to laugh?
Robyn, I could never picture you scaring young children! LOL!
That must have been fun. You make an awesome statue. How can you sit so perfectly still for so long?
Edited by - Skeptic on 11 January 2003 19:47:10
that always gets your attention, huh.
ok, i'm watching the "o'reilly factor", they just aired the case of two hs students who engaged in oral sex on a bus in silverlakes maryland while several other students cheered them on and the bus driver did nothing.
the principal of the school system didn't inform the school board until after the local newspaper broke the story and he refuses to say how the students will be punished.
It is weird that nothing was done.
My ex drove school bus. First, as has been stated, chances are the bus driver didn't know what had happened. School bus driving is very stressful, and the drivers who survive it are often those who ignore everything. My ex drove for two years, and the police have to get involved four times. One of the students was been ordered by the police not to have any contact with our family.
Secondly, students do dumbass things daily. A school bus driver has no authority to discipline, but should do so everyday.
Discipline is done by the school. When a school bus driver reports a problem, he/she is looking at about 1-3 hours to sit in an office to get the fill out paperwork and talk to the is typically closer to 3 hours. They are not paid a cent for doing this, it is all on their own time. Chances are, the school won't really do anything anyway. What can the school do? Call the parents? Ohhh, scary! If kids are bad, chances are their parents can't or won't control them anyway.
If people want school bus drivers to report problems, then pay them for doing so. Refusal to pay for that time gives an incentive to not report problems.
So, I disagree with disciplining the school bus driver.
Should the kids have been disciplined? Yes. It is too late for that now though. Doing it now is only for political correctness.
I do not agree with minors having sex. But the sad fact is, they will and we live in the real world and we have to adapt our views to what is, not what we want. The usual age for losing your virginity in my hometown was 13 (that was also the usual age for starting to drink...some pubs served 13 year olds). *sigh* I saved myself for marriage when I was 20.
Andee is right, sex is something teens do when there is nothing else to do. But I do think kids should be taught not to do it on a school bus.
Edited by - Skeptic on 11 January 2003 17:13:13
i quit smoking 3 days ago.
it was not as difficult as i thought it was going to be.
i have tried to break the habit before but always gave up, thinking that i was hopelessly addicted.
I only smoke after sex....
So, no one, tell often do you smoke?
anyone here ever wanted or had the desire to serve in the military while you were a jw in good standing?
would you do it now if you were younger and within the ages that they require for new recruits?.
are you willing to give your life for your country and what you believe in?
Anyone here ever wanted or had the desire to serve in the military while you were a JW in good standing?
Yes. I regretted not being able to celebrate Remembrance Day on Nov. 11 of each year. I understand the sacrifices veterans made for me and my children, and always believed they should be honored.
The JW logic on war is unrealistic. If everyone laid down their arms at the same time, we would have instant world peace. Problem is, that is never going to happen. And any country who lays down their arms runs a high risk of being taken over by another country who hasn't yet. Canada is one of the few countries who could disarm simply because the U.S. would protect us.
Lets say all countries were going to disarm and never fight again under any circumstances. Who goes first? And how do you know some of the others are not lying?
For those who say that when our loving God disarms all the nations by slaughtering 99% of mankind, then we will have world peace....well, God's Kingdom is not here yet, so we need the military.
Hence, the military is necessary. And if it is necessary, then how can it be wrong? How unreasonable is God anyway? Why would he say that something that is obviously necessary is wrong?
BTW, as a JW I had the same problem with politics. God's Kingdom is not here yet. Somebody has to run things. So we need mayors, Presidents, Prime Ministers and Premiers and other rulers to run things. Since these people are providing a vital service, why are they sinning by doing so? It is like declaring that eating is a sin. Just as we have to eat, we have to have someone run our cities and countries.
I used to wonder if God was a moron or a bastard. This is because of all the stupid rules any religion has, especially the fundamentalist religions like the JWs. I finally figured out he is a bastard.
Would you do it now if you were younger and within the ages that they require for new recruits?
Yes, I would. I was disqualified due to age.
Are you willing to give your life for your country and what you believe in?
Yes, I would.
i quit smoking 3 days ago.
it was not as difficult as i thought it was going to be.
i have tried to break the habit before but always gave up, thinking that i was hopelessly addicted.
Way to go, Robyn! Congratulations!
no, i don't think it is the "truth" any more, but for 22 years i did.
that is what makes this so very difficult to come to grips with, admitting that i wasted all that time as a mindless drone.
(borg) anyway, i've been trying to analyze why i have fallen away.
I never studied as much as I should have, I never was able to read the Bible every day, I did not get to all the meetings, I never managed to read the daily text every day, I did not read all the literature as it streamed out, I rarely read the releases cover to cover as they came out at the assemblies, I rarely read the WT & Awake cover to cover each week, I quickly studied the WT for the Sunday study (underlined so as not to feel ashamed if someone noticed), I didn't pray as much as I should have, I was never as zealous in field service as I should have been, I assiciated too much with "worldly" people, & on & on.
JNS2, the thing is, doing those things has little to do with spirituality and lots to do with mind control.
Any JWs that do all those things do not remain "strong" JWs due to being spiritual; it is due to being too busy to think for themselves, a common mind control tactic. High control groups like to keep you very busy doing repititious stuff for them. This has two effects: it keeps you too busy to think critically about what you are learning, and the repetitiuous nature bores your brain so it just accepts what it is told.
So, you see, you did nothing wrong. And I agree with the others; "falling away" is a negative term that implies you did something wrong.....what happened was you had an awakening, a positive term that lets you know you did something right.
Get a good education, and prepare to be finishing high school or in college at 17 or 18. If you are living on your own and attending college, you are free from your parents and building a good life for yourself. Student loans are easy to get and will pay for college and living expenses.
A responsible person can live on their own at 17. I was living on my own attending college at 17. My parents raised us to know from a young age that at 18 we would be living on our own. I consider that a good thing, as I had several years to prepare and plan accordingly.
Shy, your experience with the elders shows that the decisions of judical committees are not guided by holy spirit or Jehovah. If Jehovah was involved, then the elders could not be fooled, and there would be no wrongful DFings.
Shy, I normally recommend that you stay with your parents until you are in a good solid position to live on your own. However, living under the silly JW rules may do much damage. Or make you rebel.
Also, sometimes it is good for a person to leave home at a young age. My oldest son is 20, and still living at home. He is still in Grade 11. He is enjoying a free ride, and has not applied himself to school. Why should he? He is living a much better lifestyle than he could on his own.
If he had been kicked out at 18, I will bet that his view on schooling, etc. would be completely different. Some people only learn at the school of hard knocks.
You have a good point. The elders did show mercy, and that is a good thing. If they are going to err, I prefer they err on the side of mercy. And us apostates do not give enough credit to the reasonable elders and JWs; this is a topic I have addressed at least a few times.
That said, the typical way of handling some cases is silly. Fornication and adultery, for example. If a grown man or woman admits to committing fornication or adultery, what more is needed? We all know what is involved with fornication and adultery. Yet, elders will ask for the initimate details. Who touch who where, how often, did you cum, how many times did you stroke his cock, etc? Why are such details needed? That level of detail is primarily so the elders can get their jollies. Many sisters have noticed the elder's having a hard-on during such questioning. The Mormons have a similar line of questioning, but hide the hard-ons: the elders sit behind a desk when holding their equivalent of a judical committee.
Also, from what I know of Jehovah, he is a complete bastard. Look at the silly rules he has, and how they fall apart under extreme circumstances. Look at the hardships JWs go through for the sake of the silly rules. I would rather die in a so-called Armageddon than serve such a heartless God for eternity. And any God that has to use the threat of Armageddon to keep his followers in line has to be a bastard. A loving God would not have to use fear. And if Hilter was a sick man for killing 10 million or so people, how sick is Jehovah who plans on killing 6 Billion?
Edited by - Skeptic on 8 January 2003 16:36:16
i was just sitting here going over my finances and, if murphy's law doesn't come into play.. when i first started this cleaning service, i thought i would never get it built up, and a few times thought i would end up losing my home.
my mom, has on a few occasions, asked me to move to mn to live with her, because she knew my situation.
however, i was determined that i was going to make it on my own.
I am very proud of you Shari. Seriously, you are an inspiration to us all. You have good reason to be proud.
i have spoken with a number of you already about my journey this winter, but i thought i'd share the story with all of you before i leave this thursday.
this fall i was asked by one of the professors at my school to go with her on a mission to guatemala.
her proposal sounded very interesting, but i didn't think i would be able to go because of my family's financial situation (my widowed mother has been paying my tuition and my brother's tuition while we both attend private institutions).
Enjoy your trip, Orbit!
after 16 beautiful days off with my children, sleeping in late, actually making family breakfest and all the other wonderfully "mommy" things to do without rushing - i'm back at work (bluck!!!!
) and the kids are back to school so the rushing begins again.
regardless of how people feel about christmas, i find that 2 week period of time my highlight of the entire year.
also just found out I have a secret admirer from this forum.Oh Yeah!
Only one ? Let me assure you there are many more!
Congrats on your raise and vacation time.
Edited by - Skeptic on 6 January 2003 14:46:29