Awwww..Banshee, you are so sweet for remembering his B-day.
Happy Birthday, CoonDawg!
Awwww..Banshee, you are so sweet for remembering his B-day.
Happy Birthday, CoonDawg!
can anyone tell me where to get fairly inexpensive last minute flights?.
Also, under special circumstances (like flying out to the funeral of a parent), the major airlines will give a bereavement rate which is very low. They will explain the rules around that to you.
this question was asked in a previous post.
i wrote to the worldwide church of god website and the answer is posted below: .
thank you for your message.
Excellent point. Many publications forbidden to the average JW were in the Writing Dept., Legal Dept. and Bethel Family libraries when I was there.
Thanks for confirming what I have suspected for a long time.
I also think it's hypocritical how much time is spent beautifying the Society's properties. If you do the same thing with your own home and property, you could be criticized for not spending all that gardening and sprucing up time in the door-to-door activity.
Very true. They will argue that just as you go to your job in the day, the Bethel workers have a job to do and that is to keep Bethel looking good. The labour is free, etc., etc.
But the real reason is simple. Everything is to be done for the Society's interests. That is the real standard for their decisions, not the Bible. Using a volunteer to keep their grounds nice helps their public image at low cost. You are not directly helping them by keeping your home and yard nice. They get more use out of you by having you do magazine sales.
this question was asked in a previous post.
i wrote to the worldwide church of god website and the answer is posted below: .
thank you for your message.
Sometimes the WT publications would treat a topic, and the next month the Plain Truth would deal with it. At other times, the Plain Truth touched on the topic first.
I was amused by these stories....after all, if the WTS is so certain that the Plain Truth was copying them, then they must be regular readers of the Plain Truth. So, they can touch the unclean thing and read Christendom's publications, but the ordinary JW can't? More hyprocisy, I see. And if it isn't the WTBS who is "sinning" then more than a few JWs must be regular readers of the Plain Truth. (If the rumors were true.)
i was sitting here one day, after reading a confusing conversation that was going on on one of the jw only sites, actually feeling sorry for jws in certain situations.
since i have found love , i have a whole different outlook on life, and my heart goes out to those who feel that they have to carry the heavy yolk of the wts.
some jws are stuck not being able to date or remarry because their spouses had left and divorced them and then refused to see them ever again.
The Watchtower Society fixed it so that NO MATTER WHAT, a person gets screwed.
So true, gwen.
Edited by - Skeptic on 4 February 2003 20:52:50
i have no idea what to do.
i have a brother who is duping so many in this room.
i am not witty enough to prove he is wrong.
If you know he is, and are willing to take the flak from your brother and people on this board, then do tell. You seem to be well liked, so hopefully there will be no flak from this board.
I think people should be warned about the players on this board. Such people are too immature to stop doing the harm that they are doing. People need to be warned. Then each one can at least decide for themselves.
If they don't know, they can be set up by the predator. If you truly know he is a player, and you are willing to expose him, then the safety of others should be your primary concern.
Edited by - Skeptic on 4 February 2003 11:55:27
i was sitting here one day, after reading a confusing conversation that was going on on one of the jw only sites, actually feeling sorry for jws in certain situations.
since i have found love , i have a whole different outlook on life, and my heart goes out to those who feel that they have to carry the heavy yolk of the wts.
some jws are stuck not being able to date or remarry because their spouses had left and divorced them and then refused to see them ever again.
God still views the two as man and wife.
The WTBS never ceases to amaze me. In another Q of R, they say that a divorced couple cannot have sex with each other. How bizarre, if "God still views the two as man and wife.
Either the couple is married in God's eyes, and can have sex. Or they are not married, and therefore free to marry someone else. Where in the Bible is a third state, pseudo-marriage?
i've been inactive for a few years now, and yet, despite all i read, i can't feel as you mostly all do.
i have a lot of happy memories of being "in the truth" (and i know how much some here hate that line) and fond memories of the meetings and assemblies, sure it was much easier to break away and live life like i am now,..... but well, thats just how i feel.
i can understand those that may leave for personal reasons, but not sure i'll ever understand some here who have such a hatred of anything jw related.
.....and thanks Richard for your post, in a roundabout way!
Your welcome, ScoobySnax.
Edited by - Skeptic on 4 February 2003 0:34:5
i've been inactive for a few years now, and yet, despite all i read, i can't feel as you mostly all do.
i have a lot of happy memories of being "in the truth" (and i know how much some here hate that line) and fond memories of the meetings and assemblies, sure it was much easier to break away and live life like i am now,..... but well, thats just how i feel.
i can understand those that may leave for personal reasons, but not sure i'll ever understand some here who have such a hatred of anything jw related.
Thank you for explaining, SixOfNine.
But of course, it isn't his "memories" of his JW days that I find unintelligent. It is his assesment of the JW religion that reflects idiocy, imo. If his assesment has been made thru rose colored glasses, he should take them off. The guy has been reading here, and discounting everything he reads, for some time now.
You may have a valid point.
I'd wager a guess though, that he hasn't even taken time to study the doctrinal issues. If I'm right about that, I find that to be incredibly stupid.
I don't. I know people who have not looked at the doctrinal issues, and they are very intelligent. It is just the doctrinal stuff does not interest them at this time. That is perfectly valid in my opinion.
Not impressed with CofC? Stupid or heartless, I see no other explanation.
I see another explaination. I personally believe everything written in CofC and have no reason to believe otherwise. However, one thought did keep going through my mind as I read it. Ray Franz was privy to a lot of information that no other ex-JW has or will have access to. If I were a JW, how would I not know that Ray simply lied? It is not like the GB is going to hand over copies of the minutes of the GB meetings. And letters can be faked. Of course this is paranoid thinking. But I have seen things like that happen before...I have seen some very clever dishonesty. We are trusting Ray, as he would be the only one with knowledge of what happened.....or rather the only one with the knowledge of what happened who would speak out.
What kind of scumbag has respect for the WTBTS after reading the truth about Malawi? What sort of person wants to follow the mean-spirited bastards in brooklyn after learning how ridiculous the 1914 timeline is?
I agree. However, it is not a stretch to see how others could not hate the WTBS for it. Many Christian religions accept insane "persecution" over a stupid belief.
What, are we gonna pretend that wacks aren't going to stumble onto our board every now and then? Should we just pretend they're normal?
No, and I don't mind that you spoke that you are showing your reasoning. But personally, what ScoobySnax wrote in this thread was not wacked.
i've been inactive for a few years now, and yet, despite all i read, i can't feel as you mostly all do.
i have a lot of happy memories of being "in the truth" (and i know how much some here hate that line) and fond memories of the meetings and assemblies, sure it was much easier to break away and live life like i am now,..... but well, thats just how i feel.
i can understand those that may leave for personal reasons, but not sure i'll ever understand some here who have such a hatred of anything jw related.
I've been inactive for a few years now, and yet, despite all I read, I can't feel as you mostly all do. I have a lot of happy memories of being "in the truth" (and I know how much some here hate that line) and fond memories of the meetings and assemblies, sure it was much easier to break away and live life like I am now,..... but well, thats just how I feel. I can understand those that may leave for personal reasons, but not sure I'll ever understand some here who have such a hatred of anything JW related. Am I missing something?
No, you are not missing anything. Your experience as a JW was more pleasant than some others here, that's all.
When I left the JWs, I left because I was an atheist. At the time, I did not have much against them. It was only later that I realized how dangerous the JW religion is.
Others on this forum had terrible experiences, and for some, the JW religion ruined their lives. So some here are very, very bitter. And I don't blame them.
Some here have been beaten, sexual molested, forced to give up a good education, etc. because of the JW religion. So it is understandable that they are bitter.
SixOfNine, I do think your insults to ScoobySnax are uncalled for. I do not know your JW history, and maybe you have reason for being bitter. But just because someone has kinder memories of their JW days than most of us do does not make them of low intelligence.