Sorry where did I say the US didn't blow up the pipeline? all I said was I wouldn't put it past Putin/ Russia to blow up said Pipeline.. as that is a motiivation that wasnt considered.
My bit in brackets referred to another element of Slims message which maybe I didn't highlight clearly
You say I know nothing about Geopolitics - My aim was to present another viewpoint, I DO NOT CARE for politics, so no your right I know very little , but I have done my research.
btw I work with the general public - the crap they come out with is hilarious, yes they are stupid.. People will believe anything..
Its amazing how selective you were when quoting my statements... omitting important elements such as "I take with a pinch of salt" - and yes a simple google search proves Trump to be lieing alot of the time.. he tells some truth but not alot (The US governments OWN website proves him to be lieing.)
or did you notice my end text? I really don't care for politics generally. My personal opinion is it has become nasty, my way and your way is wrong, attacky derogitory BS, stuff id rather not get involved in, your response is the perfect example as to why I dont get involved. (not solely tho, I have other personal reasons of why I don't,)
Slim: "that makes you conclude the United States would draw the line at blowing up a Russian pipeline?" - I don't think they would draw the line there.. I think they likely did do it - My statement was simply meant to bring forth another position that I could also believe if the evidence presented itself.
To my knowledge: We cannot confirm 100% who actually did it. (I may be wrong.)
my bracketed comment was directed at something else, but not clearly marked, but that's besides the point, I will address that at some other point.
(This should be another topic of debate in email.)
"You don't have the slightest idea who pulls the strings on google" - educate me... then Ill fact check you & don't tell me its "the woke left"
"X" is so right wing its not even funny.
asking Grok about my "theory":
""Putin has proved he’s smart" is subjective—he’s outmanoeuvred foes before, but this isn’t proven here. "Wouldn’t put it past him" fits his reputation but lacks specifics. The pipeline motive makes sense as a chess move, yet it’s unverified. Without concrete data—like who planted the explosives—it’s a compelling hypothesis, not a fact."
I AM NOT saying I'm correct, I'm simply adding another viewpoint in.