Sorry to take you up on this but it's a common misunderstanding amongst witnesses. You said,
"It is by counting from 607 B.C.E. as the beginning of the Gentile times that they arrive at 1914. They calculate the reference in Daniel 4:16 of “seven times” to be seven lots of 360, the number of days in a Jewish year. This comes to 2,520 years. Counting from 607 B.C.E. the date 1914 is arrived at."
The number of days in a Jewish year has never been 360.
In fact there is no such thing as a year with 360 days.
Ancient people including the jews used lunar calanders. A lunar "year" comes to roughly 354 days so nations like Isreal inserted extra days or months into the year to bring it more in line with a true year of 3651/4 days.
The 360 day "year " the society refers to is what the society claims is a prophetic year.
The insight book says,
"In prophecy the word "year"is often used in a special sense as the equivalent of 360 days(12 months of 30 days each)...It is also called a time..."
So they claim that the word year in the bible sometimes doesnt mean a year at all but 360 days.
Yet the prophecy in Daniel doesn't mantion years anyway it mentions 7 times.In revelation chapter 12 a conection is made between 1260 days and 3 times.So 7 times equals 2520 days.
But nowere does it say that a time equals a year.
The worst part though is when they say you now must change a day for a year.
They now drop the 360 day year for the modern years of our AD/BC calander.Which in modern times are 3651/4 days.
So we see that the society uses the word year in any way they like in order to get to ther prefered date.
If anything in changing a day for a year that would fit the definition of a prophetic year.
Remmember that this prophecy is supossed to have an ancient fulfillment in Babylons time what lenght were the 7 times back then if they mean 7 years?
From the insight book,
"The Babylonians ...held a lunar year but added a 13th month called Veadar during certain years .."
So neither did they use a year of 360 days as their years were variable in lenght in order to fit in with a true year.
So even getting from 607 BCE to 1914 Ad requires a certain amount of juggling of the facts.