Its a funny thing isn't it... I been out for like 10 years and to this day i have trouble saying the words "jehovah's witness." I avoid the subject all the time and i get weirded out when people say it. I have no clue why. On my way out i dated a "worldly" girl and i was going crazy thinking about the JW shit. I was all nervous one day when i told her that i grew up in this cult and that it had shaped a lot of my thinking and i was just barely breaking free. She didn't judge me or anything like i thought she would. She just said ok, well thats good your getting out. LOL. Not any big deal at all like i had played it out in my mind beforehand. Good luck man.
JoinedPosts by thinking_not_believing
A Great Party Last Night.
by Thoughtless inlast night i went to a party with a (worldly) gal yesterday, twas great, but i feel like we are losing intimacy.
i haven't told her about my religion because i am afraid she may judge me or something.
i have a very complicated past and such, and the borg complicates it further.
I'm on the Stage Const. Crew - Here at the Arena right now!!!
by tresdecu inafter lunch i will be the guy nail gunning the plywood letters to the top part of the stage.
so when i get to the word truth, i am going to mutter "bullshit, bullshit, bullshit....etc" the whole time i'm nailing the letters, obviously very quietly to myself.
;-) that way when i am listening to the bs tomorrow, i can smile to myself knowing the letters have been properly christened!
wow. sucks. a whole weekend of suffering
One of the hardest things I must do while in...
by OneDayillBeFree inive had many single sisters (even the hot ones that horny brothers like to circle around during intermissions at assemblies/conventions) come to me recently asking if im single, what my spiritual goals are and how high in the ranks i am.
i just tell them that im not interested in relationships at the moment and that my focus is on other things.
they usually get the message and leave me alone.. but i lie.. .
take it your against dating for fun? I mean why try n jump from one commitment (jw) to another (woman) so quickly. Just live man.
I still believe in the paradise earth.
by paul from cleveland ini still believe it's coming.
i think if god is real, it has to come.
it only makes sense.
Lmao@ shirley
I still believe in the paradise earth.
by paul from cleveland ini still believe it's coming.
i think if god is real, it has to come.
it only makes sense.
people believe in crazy things... why do humans have such a hard time accepting our mortality. WE DIE... plain and simple. If u want to live forever you need to do something crazy like alexander the great... mozart... einstein... ghandi... those people will live forever in history books.
Former Long Time Elder: Why I am still in
by James Jackson ina customer on my route with whom i have had some lively debates was his number 1 complaint is that "the witnesses have so many rules".
last month i agreed with on this issue.
he asked why the change, i told him that i have been doing some soul searching.
I felt so much anger reading this post i could not go about my day without replying. My teen years were so awful because of being a witness. My parents were not super hardcore but the guilt that i felt from having normal feelings (attraction to girls, wanting to have friends but thinking they were bad associations, etc.) was far too much for me to handle. In school they teach you to question everything and do not accept anything at face value. This lead to me having many doubts and so conflicted i nearly went crazy. I got baptized and went to homeschool so that i could pioneer and feel accepted somewhere (in the cult). This only made things worse for me. Upon graduating in turned to drugs and alcohol to console my lonely soul.
I finally escaped but growing up a witness had taught me absolutley nothing about being a man in this world. NOTHING!!! I feel so bad for your kids. If you want to give your kid a real headstart in life get him out NOW. Teach him about work and building credit. Teach him how to interact with people without judging them thinking they're all satan's spawn because they are not JW's. Teach him to sex is not a sin, its just nature. All the JW stuff is just BULLSHIT. (sorry simon)
Gays Win!
by free2beme innow gays can have the joy of divorce, alimony and child support in all the states that allow such joy!!!
enjoy, you deserve the right to these things and selfish straight people have been holding on to such wonderful rights for far too long.
now get those lawyers ready, let the real battles rage and see what comes from all those marriages you fought to hard and strong for.
I live in California where we voted for prop 8 years ago. (i voted against it) But it was such a crazy topic. people kept saying it was sin and were so upset because that felt it would lessen the significance of their marriage. I loved to argue about it because i support gays. I said well its a religious matter and i don't believe in god, therefore let them do what they want. your a woman and you suck on a mans genitals no? well thats all they wanna do too. Me? I think they're crazy for wanting to get married. (I never planned to get married and still haven't after two children) But if they want they benefits and the headache well they should at least have the right to choose. As far as accepting the gay community? we're still a few generations a way from that. But congratulations to them.
I loved watching this. thank you!!! and welcome!
Can anyone recommend a really good strategy game for iPad?
by slimboyfat ini don't often play games but i like the idea of playing a strategy game if it is well designed and has a historical or political basis.
i've enjoyed playing civilization and sim city before, although i never played even those a great deal.. can anyone tell me the best such game to play on the ipad so i can avoid wasting time on any rubbish games?
are ipad games up to scratch compared to games made for pcs and consoles and so on?
war2victory a memo type Sim city/ civilization game.
Anyone who's seen 'Man of Steel', can we talk about SPOILER-related stuff?
by sd-7 inif the title of the thread wasn't enough, spoiler alert.. spoiler alert.. . said, i haven't seen the movie, which would be a paradox except that i read the novelization.'d you feel about the way it ended?
I didn't like the movie much. special effects were great but that's a small part of why I go see fact my favorite part was when he snapped zods neck. I thought... " I'm pretty sure good guys don't kill bad guys in comic books" note* i own zero comic books and have read maybe 1 where the thuundercats fight superman...