I haven't watched the video but I've read through and heard a ton of these apologetic arguments during my time as a fundamentalist Baptist. They're not convincing, there's no tomb attested to before the 4th century when Constantine's crazy mother went to Jerusalem and found everything from Jesus' cross to John the Baptist's sandals (kidding about the last one).
Did early apostles claim Jesus was resurrected? They did. Why did they claim he was resurrected? Because by reading into Old Testament scriptures through an allegorical lens they reached that conclusion, read the first couple chapters of Hebrews for example. There is very little evidence of a historical Jesus (Josephus was tampered with probably by the church father Eusebius in the 4th century, I can go into more detail) or any historical 12 (a late legend given away by numerous lines of evidencs I can also go into, the twelve play next to no role in the earliest gospel Mark or any other, most are just names on a page, and there's enough of their bones floating around to build a Brontosaurus).
I've read on this stuff for years, and trust me: I wanted to believe it. It's not believable.