I'm not gonna waste my morning on you. Like I told a JW a while back: Enjoy ignorance, it must be nice.
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
Firstborn of all Creation - What does it refer too?
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses believe the title given to the lord jesus as 'firstborn' is in reference to himself being created.
however as we study the scriptures we can see that it has a greater meaning than being created..
The origin of the word Lullaby
by StarTrekAngel inreading around the subject of lillith, the alledged, rebel first wife of adam, i stumbled upon this link and many others that link the custom of singing babies to sleep as an ancient jewish superstition.. http://www.jeanniemusick.com/lilith-world/lilith-as-the-origin-of-the-lullaby/.
some of the research could probably be argued but looking at it from the wt perspective and mirroring their usual reasoning, i could imagine the following.... ... it appears that the word "lullaby" originates from the the hebrew "lilith-abi", which means "lilith be gone".
jewish mothers used to sing these songs to their babies in bed in hopes that they would be protected from this baby snatching demon called lilith.
Friends, are we not glad to know the pagan origins of this spiritistic practice?
I had to get in on it too. How do I sound?
Watchtower Trolleys With Added Bling
by cofty inmy wife and i were in edinburgh on saturday (did a ghost tour) and around dusk we passed two trolleys on the high street — aka 'the royal mile' — that both had two rows of led lights under the little shelves.
has anybody else seen this or is it a local innovation?
i'm happy to report their pimped-up trolleys were attracting no attention as usual.
Well that sounds awesome to me, where do I sign up? Let's add a little hot pad at the bottom and we're all set to go
Watchtower Trolleys With Added Bling
by cofty inmy wife and i were in edinburgh on saturday (did a ghost tour) and around dusk we passed two trolleys on the high street — aka 'the royal mile' — that both had two rows of led lights under the little shelves.
has anybody else seen this or is it a local innovation?
i'm happy to report their pimped-up trolleys were attracting no attention as usual.
Literature trolleys: a way to watch the world pass by in silence. -
Firstborn of all Creation - What does it refer too?
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses believe the title given to the lord jesus as 'firstborn' is in reference to himself being created.
however as we study the scriptures we can see that it has a greater meaning than being created..
JW Answers, I don't appreciate the way you talked to him. I don't accept your lame apology for the comments made above, meaning the things you said. You claim you want to help us find the truth and the second somebody questions you you attack them passive-aggressively? Yeah, some savior you are. Hail to the coward.
Watchtower Trolleys With Added Bling
by cofty inmy wife and i were in edinburgh on saturday (did a ghost tour) and around dusk we passed two trolleys on the high street — aka 'the royal mile' — that both had two rows of led lights under the little shelves.
has anybody else seen this or is it a local innovation?
i'm happy to report their pimped-up trolleys were attracting no attention as usual.
The thought just occurred to me that one day the Governing Body will talk about these carts as if they revolutionized proselytizing... when from everything we see, and that includes me in my travels throughout the eastern United States, they accomplish nothing except giving Pioneers and Elders a chance to drink coffee and gossip, and convert next to no one.
We enter the dark world of the Jehovah's Witnesses: abuses, subjected women and suicides Accusations of pedophilia
by Not_Culty inwe enter the dark world of the jehovah's witnesses: abuses, subjected women and suicides.
accusations of pedophilia, rejection of homosexuals, "social death", theft of personal data, suicides ... .
spanish interviews 15 former members of this "sect" in spain who denounce all kinds of situations.
That's just awful. I think you're right about the power and the lack of conscience. I would add sexual repression into the equation. The organization doesn't give them (m)any outlets for their libido ( can't watch porn, can't masturbate), and if they're not principled enough to keep themselves individually or collectively in check, they can start to get off on descriptions of what happened, it's almost like... interview erotica, I guess. But whatever the cause those kind of questions are creepy and completely inexcusable. -
Should I do this?
by CivilServant79 inhi there this is my first post as i’m not sure what to do.
my family (both sides) are well known in our circuit and very dedicated to the truth.
but we’re relatively normal people and i love them all so much.
A committee requires two witnesses or a confession in the presence of the committee. Your uncle only counts for one, but if you tell him you don't believe in god, and you tell another family member later, even though you told both individually that counts together as two witnesses if they both run to the Elders. Keep that in mind. Your uncle doesn't need to run to the Elders. He is one.
Look, you're getting a lot of advice and I'm giving you advice too but here's what it comes down to, you need to trust your gut because you actually know the guy but also think ahead about what you want to come out of this. Are you looking to feel better? Most likely if you're honest with the guy he's gonna make you feel worse. Are you looking for affirmation? He's not going to give it to you. What do you hope to come out of the conversation with him?
Jephthah's daughter : A shining example of singleness
by Diogenesister inreally watchtower?
jephthah's daughter as an example of what a girl wants to be when she grows up??.
a burnt offering?!!.
Half banana, wish I could agree with you but ever since Rutherford published 'Children' (which encouraged Witnesses not to have kids) the organization's leadership thinks they can and should tell Witnesses what to do as far as refusing to procreate or marry. And I'm sure it goes back a lot longer than that, probably into Russell's time, I'm just not familiar enough with his writings.
We enter the dark world of the Jehovah's Witnesses: abuses, subjected women and suicides Accusations of pedophilia
by Not_Culty inwe enter the dark world of the jehovah's witnesses: abuses, subjected women and suicides.
accusations of pedophilia, rejection of homosexuals, "social death", theft of personal data, suicides ... .
spanish interviews 15 former members of this "sect" in spain who denounce all kinds of situations.
I'm surprised... but at the same time not... they asked Mikel the 'sex positions' he and his lover liked, I know Elders ask women questions like that, thought men got more of a free pass. It's so obviously voyeuristic, i mean Jesus Christ it's like the Elders want to imagine the two of them going at it in lurid detail.