You got a fire inside you kid and it's already raging, I respect that. Do what you got to do to get out, you already know this ain't your thing. You like rap music and Hip-Hop? Listen to rap music and Hip-Hop. You want to play organized Sports? Play organized Sports. These people want to drag you down into misery, they might not know that's what they're doing but that is what they're doing because a lot of JW services pretty much involve bitching and moaning about the world (forgive my terminology but since you broke the fuck barrier I'm just going to go with that, I like it anyway), and if you like the world you don't want to sit around bitching and moaning about it now do you? You're young, you got your life ahead of you. Go out and conquer. We got your back, you post here anytime.
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
This religion is way too restrictive
by Walrus ini need to vent about some stuff that this religion does to just about anyone at this point.
so i was raised in this religion and when i was 12 or 13 i told my mom (and step dad which has made my decision much firmer) that i didn’t want to be a witness because it’s too restrictive.
my mom proceeded to cry and guilt trip her way into ending this conversation.
7 Jehovah’s Witnesses Brutally Tortured in Russia
by Drearyweather in
at least seven of jehovah’s witnesses were subjected to torture—electric shocks, suffocation, and cruel beatings—on the first floor of the russian investigative committee’s building at ul.
ostrovskogo, d. 47, in surgut.
Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with some of the posters in this thread? I get it, Jehovah's Witnesses hurt a lot of us, they hurt us bad (not me specifically, but I'm part of the community so I want to speak collectively). But that doesn't excuse what the Russian police did to these people. Seems like you want to get off on their suffering because some people an entire world away made you suffer too.
7 Jehovah’s Witnesses Brutally Tortured in Russia
by Drearyweather in
at least seven of jehovah’s witnesses were subjected to torture—electric shocks, suffocation, and cruel beatings—on the first floor of the russian investigative committee’s building at ul.
ostrovskogo, d. 47, in surgut.
How can we criticize Jehovah's Witnesses for cruelly shunning members if we turn a blind eye or even quietly endorse this kind of cruelty? This isn't right. These 7 people don't cover up child molestation, they don't create policy on blood transfusions or disfellowshipping, they're not even Elders or the Russian police wouldn't ask for the Elders' last names. We can't accept torture, period. We can't let governments bring torture back after they stopped using it against us as common practice barely 300 years ago at the final curtain call of the Middle Ages, where police or their lackies routinely broke people on the rack, whipped them bloody, cut off fingers or toes, and so much more to 'gather evidence.' The resurgence of torture aroud the world (I'm thinking of the United States 'enhanced interogations' i.e. mock drownings and sleep deprivation and terrorizing people with attack dogs, but many other governments use torture today) should concern every last one of us.
Research Opportunity
by researchstudentsophie inmy name is sophie, and i am currently in the class ap research.
the aim of ap research is to have students enter into an academic conversation that exists about a specific topic or issue.
for my research project, i have chosen to evaluate the social stress levels, or sense of belonging, within members of the jehovah’s witnesses community, due to my personal background with the religion.. the following attachment will help me collect data for my research.
Hey Sophie, good luck on your project. You do know that most people who post on this site don't identify as Jehovah's Witnesses or participate in that religious community, right?
Secret book in RC Chruch CSA scandal revelaed
by careful inworth a look:.
it makes me wonder how many jw kids might be from fathers they do not really know as their true dads.
I'm with Nathan Mayas, don't you think that's a little... premature? I mean, you got any proof anything like that happened within Jehovah's Witnesses?
7 Jehovah’s Witnesses Brutally Tortured in Russia
by Drearyweather in
at least seven of jehovah’s witnesses were subjected to torture—electric shocks, suffocation, and cruel beatings—on the first floor of the russian investigative committee’s building at ul.
ostrovskogo, d. 47, in surgut.
That's horrendous, no one deserves that. Jesus Christ.
Beware of divulging any personal info on this site!
by Crazyguy2 inhey this is crazyguy, forgot my password so this is my new name.
anyway be sure to all you new ones that if you post any personal info on this forum or respond to pms asking for email addresses this information maybe able to be used by wt spies to try and find out who you are!
someone has recently pmd me asking for my email address or more accurately to respond to his email address which would give him mine, this maybe an innocent request but this person also has no posting history.
How many concrete cases can we document of Witnesses of whatever rank spying on us here, whether on their own or because someone (probably) tells them to? That isn't a challenge, I don't doubt high-ranking Bethelites peek in here from time to time on the orders of the powers that be. We got concrete proof they monitor at least one site like this when someone leaked that Branch letter from Australia, i think O'Toole wrote it could be wrong, which said something like 'we might as well show the ARC this Letter to the Body of Elders because it's gonna appear online soon.' Atlantis and a few others post letters here, so while we can't prove they meant us the author might mean us.. It's suggestive at least.
Concrete cases:
1. I don't know if you commented yet pale.emperor but he disassociated himself after someone snooped on his computer, accessed his history, found he posted here, and turned him in to the Elders. They 'invited him' to a judicial committee but he got out before they could disfellowship him.
Feel free to add on. Certainly the new poster asking for emails sound, as Simon said, fishy as he'll (whether they're a scammer or a spy though, we can't say).
Firstborn of all Creation - What does it refer too?
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses believe the title given to the lord jesus as 'firstborn' is in reference to himself being created.
however as we study the scriptures we can see that it has a greater meaning than being created..
I'm not gonna waste my morning on you. Like I told a JW a while back: Enjoy ignorance, it must be nice.
The origin of the word Lullaby
by StarTrekAngel inreading around the subject of lillith, the alledged, rebel first wife of adam, i stumbled upon this link and many others that link the custom of singing babies to sleep as an ancient jewish superstition..
some of the research could probably be argued but looking at it from the wt perspective and mirroring their usual reasoning, i could imagine the following.... ... it appears that the word "lullaby" originates from the the hebrew "lilith-abi", which means "lilith be gone".
jewish mothers used to sing these songs to their babies in bed in hopes that they would be protected from this baby snatching demon called lilith.
Friends, are we not glad to know the pagan origins of this spiritistic practice?
I had to get in on it too. How do I sound?
Watchtower Trolleys With Added Bling
by cofty inmy wife and i were in edinburgh on saturday (did a ghost tour) and around dusk we passed two trolleys on the high street — aka 'the royal mile' — that both had two rows of led lights under the little shelves.
has anybody else seen this or is it a local innovation?
i'm happy to report their pimped-up trolleys were attracting no attention as usual.
Well that sounds awesome to me, where do I sign up? Let's add a little hot pad at the bottom and we're all set to go