I can't see them dropping 1914 for 1919, why bother? They'll pick a date that gives them more time if they drop the former, I dunno, 1993 (I just picked that at random). But I thunk abandoning 1914 would 'stumble many older members but then again, who knows? They crowned themselves the faithful slave in what, 2014, with no obvious backlash or exodus.
JoinedPosts by john.prestor
OK, We Need To Talk About The Crazy New Great Tribulation Video...
by pale.emperor inif you haven't seen it already, skip to 1:14:30 in lloyds video and watch the craziness unfold.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2y7f7-k5wo.
i'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.. they're digging themselves a great hole here, in about 30 years time they'll be claiming this video was a mere "speculation" and that "some people" got the wrong ideas..
Unspeakable arrogance - As Usual
by Slidin Fast intoday's wt para 1. if you are a young person, you have likely received much advice about your future.
teachers, guidance counselors, or others may have encouraged you to pursue higher education and a lucrative career.
jehovah, however, advises you to take a different course.
Ita disengenuous for whoever wrote that article to repeat the same line they heard as kids to the latest generation as if it's fresh off the press when any Witness could dig this very same article (slightly reworded) out of a box of old Watchtowers in their basement or find it in some bound book in the Kingdom Hall library.
Suicide Attempts
by APieceOfShitNamedTate indoes anyone know if the new elders' manual addresses attempted suicide?
in the previous manual, it was seen as a potential judicial matter, which is absolutely ridiculous.
have they changed it?
Their approach in the new manual still comes across as weirdly clinical and impersonal. Read some magazines with them, really? How about give them a hug and then give them the floor, listen carefully to what they say, respond thoughtfully, and yes, suggest professional help. That gives the other person the chance to say what's on their mind instead of listening to what's on the Governing Body's.
Nudity in the movie "Roma"
by Wonderment inin the movie "roma," a man is shown making some martial type moves with a sword totally naked.
and the scene is not so brief, giving a clear glimpse of his private parts.
it is a very graphic scene.
How old are we, private parts? His penis, we're talking about his penis. Jesus people.
by Cerise inhello i am relatively new, reading a lot of experiences here for a while.
i’m born in and baptized but i moved away from small town to a new congregation in big city so i have a good opportunity to fade now.
all my good friends are worldly and my boyfriend.
You'll give them all heart attacks right there, careful now, hahaha.
by Cerise inhello i am relatively new, reading a lot of experiences here for a while.
i’m born in and baptized but i moved away from small town to a new congregation in big city so i have a good opportunity to fade now.
all my good friends are worldly and my boyfriend.
The Elders find out things about people either because they just get lucky and happen to see you quote-unquote sinning, because somebody else gets lucky and tells them, or because they contact you in the hopes that you'll give them something they can use: they might just happen to stop by your house and ask to come inside, or call you on the phone and ask questions that set you up to condemn yourself. I don't mean you specifically, that's just tactics Elders employ. Are you familiar with the Elders handbook Shepherd the Flock of God? Someone can hook you up with a PDF copy I'm sure, that tells you more about how they gather evidence and what evidence counts.
OK, I know this forum isn't exactly friends with JWSurvey, BUT...
by Vidiot in...this, imo, is just too good to pass up:.
this bit especially made me laugh:.
Jehovah has 'apparently' drawn? Wow, somebody chickened out.
IMPORTANT Message for Child Sex Abuse Victims in California...
by Newly Enlightened inplease watch.
we need your help.. https://youtu.be/xmcekwjtbi8.
I thought Jehovah's Witnesses had no 'clergy class.' Don't they say that on their website, which contains nothing but the truth?
Society Ditches Older Publications
by new boy init has been reported that many of the older publications are being dumped.
the watchtower bible and truck society have a long list of books, pamphlets and brochures that are no longer available either in print or in their data base on their web sight.
of course the reason is that this books have a lot of old information that is incorrect, false prophecies, flip flops and a lot of "new light" that became old light.
They send out Letters to the Body of Elders now and then with what to get rid of, nothing new, if you search you should find some threads about that over the last 5 or 10 years, it might go back longer too.
Shaking hands when reinstated
by Tobyjones262 inanyone remember when someone was reinstated after the announcement they congregation would shake hands and hug?
then they announced a new rule that this was inappropriate to clap or hug, shake hands, that the newly reinstated was only doing what they should bla bla bla.
Their dignified thing cracks me up, always gotta be dignified, meaning stodgy, stiff, and self-conscious. God forbid we get excited someone (in their minds) might get to survive Armageddon again