Good observation!
I noticed the same thing. It reminded me of the big controversy in the late 70's and early 80's about "Sacred Service" and what it is. For a while there they had it right, Sacred Service was everything you did as a Christian. This included good works toward thy neighbor. No doubt, this was, in a large part due to the influence of Dunlap and Raymond Franz and the research they did on the subject. They even re-named the Theocratic Ministry School to the Theocratic School. (They changed it back a few years later, but people still say Theocratic School instead of Theocratic Ministry School to this day.) And renamed Kingdom Ministry to Kingdom Service.
The big idea was all put to rest once Ray and Dunlap left and they went hard line that Sacred Service was only things related to direct worship. Being a good neighbor was not sacred service. Going in field service was.
In fact, early on, Rutherford came down hard on what was called Character Development, saying the preaching was what should be stressed instead. Now, Losch gives this long rant about basically, Character Development! It was very striking to me.
But that is how New Light works don't you see. You are going one direction, then you switch to a new direction, then you switch back to the old direction, then back again to a new direction..........