I used to think I had all the answers as a JW. I even sort of bragged about it in the field service. You know, JW's can answer all your questions! Now I realize I don't even have all the questions, much less the answers!
I personally still feel a need or desire to worship God. I have not found a RIGHT way to do that. I think that comes from thinking for so long that there IS a RIGHT and a WRONG way of worship. I find I have much in common with Agnostics, Athiests and "Religious" people these days.
I've mentioned before that I put a lot of stock in 1 Corinthians 13:12 "For at present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror but then it will be face to face. At present I know partially, but then I shall know accurately even as I am accurately known.
By the way, I think that same Scripture applies to the GB. They "know partially" as well.