scholar: My challenge on this forum is for any such opponent or critic to show such proof that 607 BCE is not the date for the Fall of Jerusalem by means of at least one line of evidence.
Isn't it the consensus of historians (the people who would know this stuff) that the actual date is either 587BC or 586BC? This seems to be what even you have said. If the people who actually know this stuff have a date different than the 607BC that the WTS uses, wouldn't that be the strongest evidence against your claim? Is this even an issue amongst historians?
Mind you, I understand why you are willing to die on this hill. But your approach is predicated on everyone else being wrong and the WTS being right. The same WTS that admits its fallibility after decades of being wrong about stuff. "Bible chronology" is the domain of con-men and charlatans. Why would anyone need to disprove a made-up timeline?