If you do a search on the WT website and type in "oral sex", you will get 69 results.
if you do a search on the wt website and type in "oral sex", you will get 69 results.
https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/s/r1/lp-e?q=oral+sex&p=par&r=occ&st=a .
why does the wt.
If you do a search on the WT website and type in "oral sex", you will get 69 results.
i'm trying to find out how many jw there were globally in 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927 and 1928. the watchtower of 1926 says that there were 25,000 in attendance at the magdeburg convention for the public address, but the same watchtower say that one the last day of the convention there were 15,000 present, so i assume at least 10,000 were interested persons - non jw.
the watchtower 1955 says: "for this year of 1927 the number in attendance at the spring memorial internationally was 88,544, yet of these only some 18,602 were active as house-to-house kingdom announcers".
these statistics would seem to imply that the majority of jw in 1926 were at the magdeburg convention.
It is already morphing. The recent changes may be relatively minor, but they are designed to keep people in (or, in the case of the recent updates on shunning, to avoid potential sanction). And they will continue to change, since they have their expensive campus project. I would not be surprised to see significant changes in the next 5-10 years, as they try to keep people in and keep the dollars flowing.
Perhaps a change in attitude towards higher education?
sea breeze: @nicolau,i stated my case rather succiently, which you failed to address.
if you have a better solution to the problem of evil than what jesus offers, then why don't you present that in a new topic?.
pathetic diversion.
I agree with the idea that the only way to deal with the problem of evil is to either judge those who commit evil acts, or to limit their ability to commit evil acts. A secular society can only do these things to an imperfect degree.
An all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful deity, on the other hand, could easily have created a human society populated by intelligent beings who could not commit evil acts, or even entertain evil thoughts. What is the downside of this scenario?
The only possible outcome of allowing evil is that people suffer, both in the moment and for an eternity afterwards. What is the benefit of allowing people to think evil thoughts and do evil things?
i'm trying to find out how many jw there were globally in 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927 and 1928. the watchtower of 1926 says that there were 25,000 in attendance at the magdeburg convention for the public address, but the same watchtower say that one the last day of the convention there were 15,000 present, so i assume at least 10,000 were interested persons - non jw.
the watchtower 1955 says: "for this year of 1927 the number in attendance at the spring memorial internationally was 88,544, yet of these only some 18,602 were active as house-to-house kingdom announcers".
these statistics would seem to imply that the majority of jw in 1926 were at the magdeburg convention.
Now, now... the society would say that there were always JWs. They just didn't know it at the time.
i would suggest:.
the short answer is yes.. the longer answer is a qualified yes, with some caveats.
the short answer is yes because jehovah’s witnesses teach that jesus is michael the archangel, their leader, eldest and most powerful, and have taught this since the very beginning of the religion.
JWs will claim that it is possible to know Christ and have a personal relationship with him. They may have trouble demonstrating how it works, because they prioritize Jehovah and place Jesus in a secondary position. In a sense, JWs see Jesus as Jehovah's secretary; they want a personal relationship with Jehovah, and they go through Jesus in order to do this (example: their prayers end with "in Jesus's name, amen.").
did i misinterpret something or read something wrong?.
did the gb say recently that they are to be dead or pulled out of earthly existence before the great tribulation?.
if so, can someone point me to jw literature or a thread on this topic?.
NotFormer: Who is that?
That is Stephen Lett, a member of the governing body. His face is so animated when he is on camera that the only comparison that comes to mind is Jim Carrey. But Carrey is being a clown on purpose.
the last two seem very young.. will there be any further new gb members or will they all die off?.
i still remember when tony morris and a few other joined many were disappointed thinking the current crop would be the last.
I think that every leadership group --starting with Russell-- expected that they would be the last. This group will replace the ones that pass away (or are asked to leave) and those new ones will feel like they will be the last ones and then they will replace the older members, and so on.
i was asking why jws won't sing any church hymns even if they were doctrinally correct.
jws asked me in response if i would sing any of their songs.. dan watkins wrote .
its a hilarious misunderstanding, if it does not come from the watchtower bible and tract society, then it is effectively considered as coming from satan.
There were a handful of songs with nice melodies, but none that I can even recall offhand. They were generally bland and forgettable. Every congregation where I visited, the songs were sung with a lack of enthusiasm. It was something to tolerate and be done with. I recall only a few people who sang with any vigor, and they stood out like sore thumbs.
I don't know why or how, but they managed to turn something as emotional and inspiring as music into a gloomy ritual. No wonder the meetings tended to be so cold and dry.
shame is an ancient form of control.
shame is the mechanism used to control behaviour.
Riley: I could just imagine the type of questions that were asked ?
When I was in, I would have found this question ludicrous. No way would such devout men stoop to something as repulsive as asking unnecessary and invasive questions. After having read some of the experiences of abuse survivors and the questioning they were subjected to, I cringe to think what this CO asked those elders. And I wonder if the elders might have gotten just a slight bit of self-awareness from being on the other end of it.
Probably not, but there is always hope that at least one of them will understand how awful it is.
so, it’s gonna be a marvel studios production.. i’m holding out for the following titles:.
”deadpool: agent of shield”.
”deadpool v spider-man: dawn of bromance”.
I suppose it could save the MCU, if it convinced the powers-that-be to lighten up and have fun.
But that probably won't happen.
I saw it on Saturday. Very funny and enjoyable movie. Any of the usual criticisms are really not applicable to a film that is made so whimsically. It's the kind of film you just sit back and enjoy. I'm wondering if a fourth film will be green-lit, and if Reynolds will want to make one. The first film had a story and structure, but they get less coherent over time. The nature of the franchise makes this less of an issue, but I wonder if Reynolds will want to make the same movie over and over.
But I'll watch it a few more times, at least.