ukpimo: [...]Christians made themselves up from some literary fandom they created
This would not be different from every other religion, would it? Those are, in the view of the Christian, invented. The Christian may accept that a man named Mohammad existed, but they do not believe that he was commissioned by God to write a final testament that superceded all others, or that he flew to heaven on a winged horse. We are confident that Joseph Smith existed and that he established a new branch of Christianity, but we do not believe that his addendum to the Bible is legitimate. Same for an endless list of religious figures across a multitude of religions, both current and forgotten.
The problem is not that I see Christianity through some deliberately warped lens (not anymore, at least). The problem is that when I apply that filter to any other religion, they are just as legitimate and 'true.' Religion relies heavily on presuppositions, which are things we believe without corroboration. It's how people with completely different beliefs can be just as certain that they are right and the other person is wrong. Remove the presupposition, and pretty much every religion ends up in the same place-- lacking any evidence.