Fallen_Winter: my Bible Study Conductor believes that the end will be in less than 20 years.
This is common amongst JWs. I was raised a JW and I was convinced I would not graduate grade school (then junior high, then high school) before the end came. The belief that the end was very near was constant. To this day, my mother is convinced that the end will happen any moment now, because conditions around the world are too difficult to see any way out. She has been repeating that line for decades, now.
If you point this out, she will fall back on the excuse that Jehovah is patient and that time moves differently for him. When JWs say "soon" they mean from God's point-of-view, and to God a day is like a thousand years and vice-versa. Of course, they are not thinking this way when they are warning of the end being soon. They only pull that excuse out when you point out that they have been saying "soon" for more than 100 years now, and most people define "soon" very differently from that.
It is a form of self-deception that is kept in place by the sunk cost of having already invested so much. Many do finally wake up and get out. But quite a few of them --my mother included-- will never give up the hope and expectation.