Vidiot: Taking a page from Ken Ham’s playbook, huh?
That was my thought as well. And an ominous one. I don't think the Ark Encounter has done very well financially, even with significant tax breaks. And they only made of those, not 38!
january 1, 2024, marked the official opening of the patterson visitor center, located at the watchtower educational center in patterson, new york, u.s.a. the feature museum of the visitors’ center is entitled “first-century bible village.” brother isaiah miller, who works in the museum department at bethel, said: “the bible village was designed to provide everyone with a realistic and educational experience.
studies show that interactive learning has a powerful effect on people of all ages.” after her tour, one visitor exclaimed: “this museum made me feel like i had been transported back to the land of ancient israel.
Vidiot: Taking a page from Ken Ham’s playbook, huh?
That was my thought as well. And an ominous one. I don't think the Ark Encounter has done very well financially, even with significant tax breaks. And they only made of those, not 38!
i know that a lot of historical names have claimed to be a god.
but, jesus arguably claimed to be god.
scripture says he's the creator.
Sea Breeze: Because you have to receive the payment.
Sea Breeze: Michael the Archangel didn't make the payment for you.
Why not?
God is not helpless and he is not limited. No one can prevent him from taking any action he wishes. He is not restricted by rules- he makes the rules. Nothing prevents him from forgiving me without pageantry. My "sinful nature" is the result of his design and his decisions. Blaming me doesn't make sense; it makes him seem weak.
If god wants everyone to be saved and to serve with him eternally in heaven, it is within his power to do so. If he chose to do this, no one could prevent it. Our present condition can only be a result of his design and his decisions. God said that the road to destruction was wide and well-traveled, but few would find the path to salvation. If he did not want this, it would not happen. The only person who can put obstacles in god's way is god.
A god who actively works to undermine his own plans, blames his failure on the sandbox that he designed and built, sets up rules that further hinder his desires, and pretends to be helpless to fix it without action from others... makes no sense. Such a being cannot exist.
i know that a lot of historical names have claimed to be a god.
but, jesus arguably claimed to be god.
scripture says he's the creator.
Sea Breeze: If you make an agreement with the wrong Jesus, your contract isn't valid.
Sounds like he is a stickler for technicalities. If he paid a price to redeem me, why not just apply it and save me? Or, better yet, forgive me without a messy blood sacrifice? No need to complicate things when you're the master of reality, after all.
eric wilson's video is worth a view..
If only the GB are the 144,000, they can save a lot on wine and crackers at the memorial now. "We will not be passing the wine and bread, as none of you need to partake. Instead, just pantomime the act of passing them back and forth. Right, just like that. Good, good. Hey! Brother Jones! Do not pantomime drinking or eating!"
i've been recently reinstated & am very happy about it.
i do love righteous (love & justice) and i do hate wickedness ( selfishness & sin).
i do love jehovah and the bible truths & wisdom.
Teddnzo: We so want the Bibles promises to be true and talk as if we have no doubt but we all do have doubts about JW interpretations.
Why not visit other churches to see if you can find one that eases your doubts? If you believe in the Bible but have doubts about JW interpretation, that's a pretty big hurdle in my mind. And you should be able to find new friends in those churches, without the concern that they will turn their backs on you if you express doubts or seek answers elsewhere.
are any or all of the gb from jewish descent?.
why are they so fascinated with following ancient jewish 'principles' ?.
isa 43:10, 44:8 ' you are my witnesses ' which they based their religious identity on, jehovah's witnesses, yet those verses address the jews, not christians, which they profess to be.. jesus said in ac 1:8 'you will be witnesses of me ', .
Diogenesister: It's funny because I always assumed it had always been through the female line, since back then it was the only provable line.
Keep in mind that, back then, a wife was considered a man's property. I suppose that, even in the event of infidelity, the child could be considered part of the line of the man who owned the child's mother. Would be interesting to see if this was the case. It wouldn't surprise me that they did not want to give the woman any sort of value aside from being chattel.
i know that a lot of historical names have claimed to be a god.
but, jesus arguably claimed to be god.
scripture says he's the creator.
The impression I get is that the question is, how many of the deities that people worship (or once worshipped) specifically identified themselves as THE one true god. But the topic title gives the impression that it's a discussion about the specific role of Jesus. Is he god, or a creation of the actual god?
I don't know how many gods claimed to be the almighty, the god of gods, the top dog, etc. I'm going to assume that, for any gods that did not make this claim explicitly, the followers will feel that it is not a relevant criteria. How do we determine the value of such a statement? What reason would we have to give that claim any particular merit? How explicit does the phrasing need to be?
And also, I think we would need to reconcile the question of Jesus's divinity as described in the Bible. His claim to be the one true god doesn't carry weight if it is determined that he is a creation of a different god. After two thousand years, that issue does not appear to be resolved. If Jesus isn't the one true god, how do we interpret the passages where he might have insinuated this? If he claimed it, how do we account for the inaccuracy of the claim?
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Notice both the gaslighting ("you do not speak for all survivors") and the misdirection ("CSA survivors[...] who are appalled at the smear campaign"). He handwaves his crimes as the 'mistakes' of a 'flawed individual' in order to claim that these do not prevent him from 'advocating against the cover-up of CSA.' He then goes back to gaslighting, by accusing others of "weaponizing CSA" to use against him.
The statement is an utter mess of poor excuses and rationalizations designed to handwave his disgusting behavior, while pretending that the real crime is when people expose him and refuse to allow him to reshape the narrative.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
It's probably worthwhile to also point out that, if you ever express doubts or push back on Evans, he is very likely to go full scorched-earth against you. More than a few people got burned by him even though they were still trying to support him or help him. If you are not completely in his corner, he will see it as betrayal and turn on you.
When that happens, remember that you're not alone and far from the only person to experience it. And also that it wasn't worth it to stand by his side (or anywhere near him, to be honest).
the faithful slave is considered god's channel of communication.
( though not inspired of god ) does anyone else find the use of the word channel interesting in this regard?
from where i am sitting it denotes spiritism.
The implication is clear: Jehovah is using them to communicate with the world. This is why it sounds so bad when they later claim to be fallible men who can get things wrong. If god wanted to use you as his channel of communication, why wouldn't he make sure that you got the message out clear and correct? Otherwise, doesn't it make god seem incompetent, that he cannot get his message across clearly? Why would your imperfect nature matter? Does god not know how to use people to get important messages across?
'God chose us to get this message to you, but please be aware that we might screw it up' is not the sort of thing that breeds confidence. It's the kind of thing a con man might say.