Sea Breeze: What I am wondering is how happenstance could possibly provide atheists with ANY notion of universal evil?
What is "universal evil" and where does it fit into the discussion of determining moral values?
for decades, critics have pointed out the unfairness of god slaughtering billions in a future armageddon who never even met a jw much less heard their life-saving message.
(remember the contortions around the collective responsibility of nations?
) also, why do babies and children have to die simply because their parents rejected the witnesses?
Sea Breeze: What I am wondering is how happenstance could possibly provide atheists with ANY notion of universal evil?
What is "universal evil" and where does it fit into the discussion of determining moral values?
ohiocowboy has just posted this information on the two other threads dealing with the sudden collapse of the unthank cases.. i don't know steven unthank, but i just want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for having the courage against overwhelming odds to try and bring the watch tower society to justice over their deplorable neglect when it comes to protecting children from abuse and molestation.. steven is a man of justice and integrity who i deeply admire.
his actions will never be forgotten, and i only hope he can find it within himself to continue his work in whatever avenue may become available in the future.. they have won this battle, but they can never win the war.. .
cedars: I personally know what it's like to be on the losing side of a legal verdict, and I can assure you it's an emotionally draining and humiliating experience.
It's like he could see into the future!
looks like the early christians believed jesus when he warned about hell over 40 times.
why don't the jw's do the same?.
from “the epistle of barnabas” (70-130ad).
So, by your reasoning, you cannot know how god will treat you. Good is entirely at his discretion. What basis is there to trust that he will do as you expect, and not go in any other direction, since any action he takes is, by definition, good?
personally i think they gonna realise god's not backing org.
that idea gonna get even more established in their minds.
i think the real selling of kingdom hall gonna start then.
Jesus got baptized when he was 29 or 30, didn't he? Make that the new limit.
looks like the early christians believed jesus when he warned about hell over 40 times.
why don't the jw's do the same?.
from “the epistle of barnabas” (70-130ad).
Sea Breeze: God is doing a work where only those that want him will experience his unimaginable goodness.
But 'goodness' is defined by god, not by us. What if god decides that goodness involves eternal suffering? This would not be wrong, or bad, or immoral on his part, unless you suddenly became the arbiter of such things. Why would you trust that he would act according to your expectations? You admit to being a lowly sinner who cannot earn the rewards he offers, who deserves only damnation. Would god be unjustified if he decided to rescind the reward and give you your just desserts? How?
If good/bad or right/wrong are entirely at god's discretion to determine, then you have no reason to expect anything specific from him. If you feel you are safe because god would never go back on his word, that he would never lie or decieve, you must be assuming that these are bad things. But they're not, if god decides otherwise. What basis is there for expecting that god will act a specific way?
looks like the early christians believed jesus when he warned about hell over 40 times.
why don't the jw's do the same?.
from “the epistle of barnabas” (70-130ad).
I would certainly fear someone who was capable of doing that, and showed an inclination to do so. Would anyone truly be safe?
for decades, critics have pointed out the unfairness of god slaughtering billions in a future armageddon who never even met a jw much less heard their life-saving message.
(remember the contortions around the collective responsibility of nations?
) also, why do babies and children have to die simply because their parents rejected the witnesses?
Sea Breeze: There’s nothing wrong with serial killers if atheism is true
It seems that you are saying that murder is not inherently wrong, that it's only wrong because god specifically said it was. Are you saying you can't think of a reason why it's not good to kill indiscriminately? Any reason, at all?
1914 generation is long gone.
1975 was a joke 40 years ago.
i know of many witnesses still hanging on for armagedon but when will they give up?
He has to check the cushions, first. That can take a while. Centuries, even!
for decades, critics have pointed out the unfairness of god slaughtering billions in a future armageddon who never even met a jw much less heard their life-saving message.
(remember the contortions around the collective responsibility of nations?
) also, why do babies and children have to die simply because their parents rejected the witnesses?
The weird thing is that they really don't have to speculate about stuff like whether or not people who died in the flood would be resurrected. What difference does it make to admit there is no clear explanation, and that the matter is in god's hands? But, no! They have to offer explanations for things they can't know, which they will likely have to revisit and possibly disavow later.
It's like they recognize how much power they have over the following, and they feel that it will go to waste if they don't use it, so they use it frivolously just for the thrill. The possible long-term consequences don't matter to them, because they are certain there is no long-term to worry about.
ohiocowboy has just posted this information on the two other threads dealing with the sudden collapse of the unthank cases.. i don't know steven unthank, but i just want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for having the courage against overwhelming odds to try and bring the watch tower society to justice over their deplorable neglect when it comes to protecting children from abuse and molestation.. steven is a man of justice and integrity who i deeply admire.
his actions will never be forgotten, and i only hope he can find it within himself to continue his work in whatever avenue may become available in the future.. they have won this battle, but they can never win the war.. .
Dang, it took only until the second page of the topic for Evans to turn it into a shitfest.