Sea Breeze: That is the basis of my belief that God is not a liar.
Sea Breeze: What is the basis of your unbelief?
For starters, the Bible explains that god lied to the first humans, threatening to kill them on the day they ate of the forbidden fruit. What's more, he also deceptively withheld the real reason he did not want them to eat it-- he did not want them to become like him, knowing right from wrong.
But that wasn't even the point I was making. As you quoted, I asked what basis you had for trusting that god would do as you expect him to. God doesn't just lie in the Bible, he massacres people and animals en masse because the world he created went bad almost immediately. And this angry reaction fixed nothing. This alone should ring alarm bells in your mind.
This god executed a man on the spot for the 'crime' of trying to steady the Ark of the Covenant when he thought it was going to fall off a cart. Another abrupt and extreme act of violence done in anger.
This god made a deal with the devil and allowed the devil to visit murder and catastrophe upon a man that even god found no fault with. When he finally decided to clear things up, one of the first things he did was to utterly humiliate Job for the 'crime' of wanting an explanation for the sheer hell he had been put through.
This god watched David bed another man's wife and arrange for the murder of that man. Seeing this travesty, god decided that David would be punished by... the deaths of his newborn infant and grown son. David, by the way, would be part of the lineage that would lead to the birth of the messiah.
There are plenty more examples that show this god to be angry, vengeful, jealous, petty, and gruesomely violent. I ask again, what basis do you have to trust that he will not eventually discard you? Or revise the terms of any offer he made to you? He is unpredictable, prone to irrational outbursts of anger, and utterly unstoppable.
I mean, what is his plan for those gifted with the reward of a heavenly afterlife? They get to spend eternity reminding god of how great he is, forever and ever. Aside from how unnecessary this is, and how awkward it must be to try and stroke the universe's biggest ego for the rest of your immortal life, this also subverts free will. I'm not sure you're reading the book correctly, if you're thinking god is on the level.