I agree-- he is ignoring the lawsuit and hoping to string it along.
His problem is that he wears his emotions on his sleeve. I bet he is very bitter towards his wife now. He doesn't even pretend that he has any feelings for her, and he snipes at her through his song lyrics. I wonder if the clips of his comedy routine that he does not show are blistering attacks directed at her through the topic of marriage. If he hasn't done that yet, he eventually will.
The lawsuit is an albatross around his neck now. It's part of his fundraising pitch. He built up the stakes so high that he cannot afford to lose, but it's a lawsuit he cannot possibly win. What to do? Drag it out and hope for a miracle, I guess. Maybe the Croatian court will keep sending mail to his house for the next 38 years so that he can fulfill his pledge. I think that this is a lot like his livestream video-- he talked and talked and did not realize what he was doing until it was too late to take it back.