Gorb: The 2 party system in the USA makes it difficult when ypu can't find yourself into the party line, seems to me.
This is a huge problem here. Not just that there are two major parties, but they take opposing stances on nearly every issue, and they make sure to stake out ground on every issue. If you have views on various issues that do not align with one party's platform, you are in a sort of political limbo. And good luck expressing an opinion around a political fanatic; if you say the 'wrong' thing, you are immediately placed into a category, regardless of any of your other views.
The effect is to smother any party that tries to emerge, because their platforms will necessarily overlap with one of the others. It becomes a battle of attrition, and the above attitude (regarding absolute allegiance to the party line) makes it difficult to hold more moderate views on a variety of topics.
This is how we end up with elections between Joe Biden Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. There may be some third party candidates, but they will be lucky to get a tenth of a percent of the vote in one or two states.