Posts by jp1692
FYI: "Finding" has a "g" at the end of it, not a "d."
I guess your algorithms missed that.
RECOMMENDATION: Next time try using the spellcheck feature in your word processing program to assist you in proofreading your posts. A "spell checker" is a rudimentary AI plugin that actually works fairly well, although most still can't tell which form of there/their/they're to use.
My Story - Part 2
by Lee Elder inthis is the first of a multi-part article that tells my story, and how ajwrb got started..
Been there, done that. I even have a Sparlock t-shirt!
My Story - Part 2
by Lee Elder inthis is the first of a multi-part article that tells my story, and how ajwrb got started..
Lee Elder: The Watchtower is not a safe place to be.
Although I completely agree with your sentiment, I think you err in referring to the Jehovah's Witness religion as "the Watchtower."
The general public would be confused by this usage. Please consider revising it. Thank you for all of your hard work and your commitment to this extremely important cause!
My Story - Part 2
by Lee Elder inthis is the first of a multi-part article that tells my story, and how ajwrb got started..
Today in 2017, the disheartening truth is that, despite the progress that has been made, there are still an estimated 1,200 or more Jehovah’s Witnesses dying annually because of the current blood policy. The vast majority of these deaths are not considered newsworthy and hence slip under the radar. For the sake of comparison, the annual death toll of Witnesses who refuse life-saving blood is greater than the Jonestown massacre on November 18, 1978 in Guyana that claimed 918 lives. ... In the time since the the Watchtower finally permitted all blood fractions in 2000, it is likely that there have been 20,000 additional victims – more than 22 Jonestown Massacres.
What a powerful comparison: When 918 people die all at once because of their cultish-beliefs it's newsworthy. When it happens one-by-one, the general public just don't see the import or the need to intervene.
What have been some of the funniest local needs talks that you have heard?
by DaPriest ini remember once in berlin south germany there was a local needs part for the men only, and how they should use the toilet.
in all seriousness for ten minutes a retarded nigerian was going on about how men need to sit down when using the toilet.
no mention of anything else.. it transpired that some little kraut boy from an "interested" family would aim for the side of the toilet and leave a great big puddle for others to clean up.
Sparrowdown: We had a local needs about not leaving big-ass meeting bags in the aisle because a mic-runner tripped over one during a fast paced WT study
Well isn't that the core message of Christianity?
- And this good news of the little-ass meeting bags must be preached in all the inhabited earth ..."
- And this good news of the little-ass meeting bags must be preached in all the inhabited earth ..."
What is Nature's most perfect food?
by compound complex ingreetings, gourmands of the forum!.
i agree with garfield, but mayo comes in a close second.
slathering my pasta with an inch of best foods real mayonnaise (hellman's, east of the rockies) is close to heaven for me.
RV2000: Good job turning heart-healthy food, into a stroke missile.
Mayonnaise is a stable emulsion of vegetable oil, egg yolk, and either vinegar or lemon juice.
What about that do you think is a "stroke missile"?
Hellman’s (and NO, I don’t work for them or own stock in the company), like any real mayo, is rich in Omega 3-alpha-linolenic-acid (ALA).
According to the Mayo Clinic (nice coincidence, no?), "Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to provide a wide range of health benefits, including a lower risk of coronary heart disease and improvement in cholesterol."
Heart healthy (in moderation of course) AND delicious!
NOTE: For those that don't know, the Mayo Clinic is one of the top-ranked teaching and research medical institutions in the United States. U.S. News & World Report ranked Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota the best hospital in the nation in their 2017-2018 rankings.
What is Nature's most perfect food?
by compound complex ingreetings, gourmands of the forum!.
i agree with garfield, but mayo comes in a close second.
slathering my pasta with an inch of best foods real mayonnaise (hellman's, east of the rockies) is close to heaven for me.
What ever I happen to be making for dinner each night!