So I noticed that ThisIsMeIn1972 did NOT say what the book was about, just that it was written by an ex-JW. Theoretically, it could be about anything: basket-weaving or vegan cooking.
That being said, I also noticed that most of the replies assumed a subject and a particular author:
- Who would want to read such a book … someones [sic] grievance with the watchtower cult?
- I can't think of anything that needs to be said in book form on the subject that hasn't already been said.
- It could be considered "activism" …
- It is also interesting that certain activists are complaining about how YouTube isn't paying them for their videos.
TIMI, why don't you just say it: you're talking about L l o y d E v a n s, aren't you?
BTW, it's spelled Ponzi scheme.
Prepare to be berated by the followers of the Cult of Cedars. (I'm sure I'll get a bunch of "dislikes" for saying as much; just wait and see).