No. It is illogical, absurd even, to suggest that illogical, incoherent, and internally contradictory beliefs can be explained logically.
Quit trying to make sense out of nonsense.
when i was a jw, i relished explaining my beliefs and why we had the truth!
todays witness has no clue , in my opinion..
No. It is illogical, absurd even, to suggest that illogical, incoherent, and internally contradictory beliefs can be explained logically.
Quit trying to make sense out of nonsense.
a nonprofit corporation .
watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania .
private bag wg-5001, westgate, zimbabwe telephone 08677 004 012; 0772 472 403/4 .
i start this thread in response to a comment by a jw apologist called simonsays on another thread.
he claimed to have read all three volumes of vindication by rutherford (my sympathy if true).
he further implied that it didn't matter that old jw literature said wrong and stupid things, saying:.
But never mind. To be a faithful JW you must believe whatever the WT leaders teach now, as of this present moment, which ultimately is why I am no longer a JW ... faithful or otherwise.
"New light" is just old light recycled.
the annual meeting just finished, and here's a conversation i overheard from two gushing jws:.
they said we're so close!.
Go back to Charles Taze Russell in 1879.
there seems to be some confusion over what is happening with the study edition of the watchtower - i notice it isn't mentioned in the letter to be read out.
if, as seems likely, it is going to be dumbed down even further then i think this could be the first step to shortening the watchtower study (to 30 mins?
) - it is the only meeting not to have been reduced in recent years.
So they want to further "simplify" their already ridiculously simple publications!
WT publications such as the The NEW "Bible Teach" book are already at a 5th grade level. They have been deliberately aiming at 11 year old children--or at least people with that reading level. This is a full three grade levels below the average reading ability of the general public and now they want to go even lower. Unbelievable!
The WTBTS is deliberately targeting people with limited reading ability and/or limited intelligence. I guess they now know who will fall for their incoherent, nonsense religion.
It's been suggested that maybe the WT leadership thinks that people aren't smart enough to understand "the truth." The problem is not that their beliefs or doctrines are hard to understand, it's that they don't make sense!
on saturday, october 7.. any chance to get user name and password for stream?.
Thanks WiFi!
on saturday, october 7.. any chance to get user name and password for stream?.
Spiritual Paradise is a state of mind.
Yeah. It's called a delusional state of mind !
so i finally decided to start writing a book on exiting jehovah's witnesses.
i've been meaning to do this for a very long time.
there are so many books out there and i don't want to repeat what everyone else has written.. although the book will include some basic history of jehovah's witnesses and the usual doctrinal flaws, it's core audience are those who are thinking about leaving, in the process of leaving or have already left.. the book will contain case studies of people who've left and made a success of their life.
#2 - That was me for sevenish years. Tried to get out with my family, but eventually just left by myself. The pressure of pretending to believe things you don't and to be someone you're not is incredible.
we know that the hebrew scriptures, or old testament states that the practice of circumcision (of males) was supposed to be yet another sign that set the jews apart from the "people of the nations".
but apart from so many odd things, how dumb is this?.
i mean, how did someone know if a male was circumcised or not??
Wake Me: maybe JW brothers can start identifying themselves as a part of God's nation by snipping the ends off their ties.
My ties remain uncut ... that is, when I wear them, which frankly isn't all that often any more.
we know that the hebrew scriptures, or old testament states that the practice of circumcision (of males) was supposed to be yet another sign that set the jews apart from the "people of the nations".
but apart from so many odd things, how dumb is this?.
i mean, how did someone know if a male was circumcised or not??
So god supposedly said, "I want you to prove your love for and devotion to me by cutting off the end of your dick. And just to be sure you're serious, cut off the end of your kids' dicks too!"
That's some seriously fucked up shit.
Religions are highly articulated expressions of mental illness.