Ruby, you're giving away your lack of scientific training and education.
I don't need to prove anything. YOU made the assertion, YOU need to provide the evidence. That is how science works.
I realize that this is not an academic research forum, but you are needlessly derailing with your baseless assertions what is an important discussion. Then, when you are called on it, you play these silly little immature games.
For the record, I have researched this particular issue for many years and, as Steve2 wrote previously, there is precious solid research to support a conclusive statement one way or the other about the actual rate of suicides among active or ex-JWs in comparison to the general population of any particular geographic region, let alone globally. This is unfortunate because it would be really useful to know. A rigorously researched analysis in a longitudinal study done with a statistically relevant sampling of populations from representative samples globally would be just the ticket. To date no one seems to have done that. If you know otherwise, then share. If you don't, then please be quiet about things you do not know about.
In the meantime, it is perfectly fine, and actually quite informative, for individuals to share their unique experiences, observations, perceptions and impressions on the issue. This kind of anecdotal evidence is important, but it does not a scientifically valid conclusion make.
You seriously err when you say, "In fact it is lower."
You don't know that it is a "fact," so stop saying it is.