Frankly, it's bizarre the way most JWs celebrate ignorance as if it's something to be proud of.
Posts by jp1692
Do any of the current Governing Body have academic qualifications?
by usualusername1 indo any of the current governing body have academic qualifications?.
Do any of the current Governing Body have academic qualifications?
by usualusername1 indo any of the current governing body have academic qualifications?.
Listener: Jackson ... left school at the age of 15 (with a certificate).
So he's a high school dropout. Thanks for posting.
I'm not sure what the process was when Jackson left school at 15, but I know that the current process in the US is so low that those that pass really only need to demonstrate very limited skills in English and basic algebra and geometry. That's it.
Anyone of even below average intelligence can pass it. It is not even remotely rigorous or difficult.
The Golden rule (Matt 7:12) - Do JW's apply it?
by doubtfull1799 inthere is no doubt (in my mind at least from my own personal experience) that in day to day matters most witnesses are genuinely loving and kind (or "nice") people (though their indoctrination and fundamentalist mentality often inhibits their natural kindness and tolerance and often gets in the way of fulling showing it).
however i would like to put the case that when it comes to their ministry and theological/scientific discussion of any type, they fail to apply even the most basic of bible principles that they claim to espouse - the golden rule!
here is what occurred to me.... some things jw's would like men to do to them:.
No they don't.
Don't belabor this.
Do any of the current Governing Body have academic qualifications?
by usualusername1 indo any of the current governing body have academic qualifications?.
Vidiot: Geoff Jackson's a fricking high school dropout.
How do you know that? That would be significant if it can be documented. Please provide your evidence and/or source(s).
Do any of the current Governing Body have academic qualifications?
by usualusername1 indo any of the current governing body have academic qualifications?.
One or two of them may have graduated from high school. But it's hard to tell for sure because they are all very secretive about their past. Why is that? We can only speculate. They claim modestly; I think it's because there's nothing there.
Gerrit Lösch was apparently a waiter at one point. He thinks going to college is like putting a gun in your mouth so he is clearly an idiot.
Just watch Lett speak for 12 or 15 seconds and you'll know he is an even bigger idiot.
How these seven fools got to be the figure heads of a moderately significant religion with millions of followers and billions of dollars of assets is really a mystery.
My Father has brandished me with the "APOSTATE" word for talking about the BIBLE!
by stuckinarut2 inso after three years of fading, my elder father has never really asked why we have chosen to stop attending.. today, after a mixed discussion, he starts talking about the "solution to all the world problems" and says "i don't know what you now believe, but i believe gods kingdom will fix everything" i let the comment go, and didn't respond.. then he goes on about the video "remember the wife of lot" because he just came from the convention last weekend.
"don't get caught up in this system...blah blah".
i couldn't help myself, and said one thing "dad, that video failed to show the next chapter of that account.
Uh, who is it that has "negativity toward the truth"?
Your father doth protest too much, methinks.
JWs Among the Least Educated in the US
by jp1692 inseptember 6th, 2017: a just released research survey shows once again that jehovah's witnesses are among the least educated people in the united states: .
america’s changing religious identity.
it is also interesting to note how jws rank in the categories of: income, insurance coverage and homeownership.
This just in:
Why you should seriously consider the merits of a college education:
A 2013 study based on Labor Department statistics showed that Americans holding a four-year college degree made 98% more per hour on average than those without a degree. - (CNN Money)
More recently, according to 2015 data compiled by the Economic Policy Institute, "college graduates, on average, earned 56% more" than those who only have a high-school diploma (USA Today). -
Good for you. See a college counselor for most of your questions. But basically, to succeed academically all you need to do is apply yourself, study hard, be disciplined and organized, turn your assignments in on time and don't be afraid to ask your teachers/professors questions.
I want to study BOTANY in my higher institution, so please can anyone in the board send some PDF files regarding botany to me please.
The first thing you should to is learn to research things yourself. Google is a useful tool for searches.
My Father has brandished me with the "APOSTATE" word for talking about the BIBLE!
by stuckinarut2 inso after three years of fading, my elder father has never really asked why we have chosen to stop attending.. today, after a mixed discussion, he starts talking about the "solution to all the world problems" and says "i don't know what you now believe, but i believe gods kingdom will fix everything" i let the comment go, and didn't respond.. then he goes on about the video "remember the wife of lot" because he just came from the convention last weekend.
"don't get caught up in this system...blah blah".
i couldn't help myself, and said one thing "dad, that video failed to show the next chapter of that account.
Stuck, Cognitive dissonance is strong in your father, as it is in most cult members. That's why they stay: they can't admit to themselves they--or their beloved cult--is wrong about anything.
Once you've proved the truth to yourself you don't need to keep trying to disprove it...
by cognisonance ini was told this during my judicial committee (some five years ago) when i brought up concerns i had with the "truth.
" in addition one of the elders (who was an engineer) said once you've accepted a proof of pythagorus' theorem you don't later start doubting that theorem.
i thought that argument was a weak analogy then.
cognisonance: even mathematicians are reluctant to say something is totally true.
This is how it is in science. You can never positively and unreservedly prove anything true once and for all time.
All explanations are tentative based on the idea that we could learn something later that proves us wrong. So who is more humble: religionists or scientists?
I think the evidence speaks for itself.